Source code for kcsd.KCSD

"""This script is used to generate Current Source Density Estimates, using the
kCSD method Jan (2012).


import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError, svd
from scipy import special, integrate, interpolate
from scipy.spatial import distance
from . import utility_functions as utils
from . import basis_functions as basis

[docs] class CSD(object): """CSD - The base class for CSD methods."""
[docs] def __init__(self, ele_pos, pots): self.validate(ele_pos, pots) self.ele_pos = ele_pos self.pots = pots self.n_ele = self.ele_pos.shape[0] self.n_time = self.pots.shape[1] self.dim = self.ele_pos.shape[1] self.cv_error = None
[docs] def validate(self, ele_pos, pots): """Basic checks to see if inputs are okay Parameters ---------- ele_pos : numpy array positions of electrodes pots : numpy array potentials measured by electrodes """ if ele_pos.shape[0] != pots.shape[0]: raise Exception("Number of measured potentials is not equal " "to electrode number!") if ele_pos.shape[0] < 1+ele_pos.shape[1]: # Dim+1 raise Exception("Number of electrodes must be at least :", 1+ele_pos.shape[1]) if utils.check_for_duplicated_electrodes(ele_pos) is False: raise Exception("Error! Duplicated electrode!")
[docs] def sanity(self, true_csd, pos_csd): """Useful for comparing TrueCSD with reconstructed CSD. Computes, the RMS error between the true_csd and the reconstructed csd at pos_csd using the method defined. Parameters ---------- true_csd : csd values used to generate potentials pos_csd : csd estimatation from the method Returns ------- RMSE : root mean squared difference """ csd = self.values(pos_csd) RMSE = np.sqrt(np.mean(np.square(true_csd - csd))) return RMSE
[docs] class KCSD(CSD): """KCSD - The base class for all the KCSD variants. This estimates the Current Source Density, for a given configuration of electrod positions and recorded potentials, electrodes. The method implented here is based on the original paper by Jan Potworowski 2012. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ele_pos, pots, **kwargs): super(KCSD, self).__init__(ele_pos, pots) self.parameters(**kwargs) self.estimate_at() self.place_basis() self.create_src_dist_tables() self.method()
[docs] def parameters(self, **kwargs): """Defining the default values of the method passed as kwargs Parameters ---------- **kwargs Same as those passed to initialize the Class Raises ------ TypeError If invalid keyword arguments inserted into **kwargs. """ self.src_type = kwargs.pop('src_type', 'gauss') self.sigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', 1.0) self.h = kwargs.pop('h', 1.0) self.n_src_init = kwargs.pop('n_src_init', 1000) self.lambd = kwargs.pop('lambd', 0.0) self.R_init = kwargs.pop('R_init', 0.23) self.ext_x = kwargs.pop('ext_x', 0.0) self.xmin = kwargs.pop('xmin', np.min(self.ele_pos[:, 0])) self.xmax = kwargs.pop('xmax', np.max(self.ele_pos[:, 0])) self.gdx = kwargs.pop('gdx', 0.01*(self.xmax - self.xmin)) self.dist_table_density = kwargs.pop('dist_table_density', 20) if self.dim >= 2: self.ext_y = kwargs.pop('ext_y', 0.0) self.ymin = kwargs.pop('ymin', np.min(self.ele_pos[:, 1])) self.ymax = kwargs.pop('ymax', np.max(self.ele_pos[:, 1])) self.gdy = kwargs.pop('gdy', 0.01*(self.ymax - self.ymin)) if self.dim == 3: self.ext_z = kwargs.pop('ext_z', 0.0) self.zmin = kwargs.pop('zmin', np.min(self.ele_pos[:, 2])) self.zmax = kwargs.pop('zmax', np.max(self.ele_pos[:, 2])) self.gdz = kwargs.pop('gdz', 0.01*(self.zmax - self.zmin)) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Invalid keyword arguments:', kwargs.keys())
[docs] def method(self): """Actual sequence of methods called for KCSD Defines: self.k_pot and self.k_interp_cross matrices """ self.create_lookup() # Look up table self.update_b_pot() # update kernel self.update_b_src() # update crskernel self.update_b_interp_pot() # update pot interp
[docs] def create_lookup(self): """Creates a table for easy potential estimation from CSD. Updates and Returns the potentials due to a given basis source like a lookup table whose shape=(dist_table_density,) Parameters ---------- dist_table_density : int number of distance points at which potentials are computed. Default 100 """ xs = np.logspace(0., np.log10(self.dist_max+1.), self.dist_table_density) xs = xs - 1.0 # starting from 0 dist_table = np.zeros(len(xs)) for i, pos in enumerate(xs): dist_table[i] = self.forward_model(pos, self.R, self.h, self.sigma, self.basis) self.interpolate_pot_at = interpolate.interp1d(xs, dist_table, kind='cubic')
[docs] def update_b_pot(self): """Updates the b_pot - array is (#_basis_sources, #_electrodes) Updates the k_pot - array is (#_electrodes, #_electrodes) K(x,x') Eq9,Jan2012 Calculates b_pot - matrix containing the values of all the potential basis functions in all the electrode positions (essential for calculating the cross_matrix). """ self.b_pot = self.interpolate_pot_at(self.src_ele_dists) self.k_pot =, self.b_pot) # K(x,x') Eq9,Jan2012 self.k_pot /= self.n_src
[docs] def update_b_src(self): """Updates the b_src in the shape of (#_est_pts, #_basis_sources) Updates the k_interp_cross - K_t(x,y) Eq17 Calculate b_src - matrix containing containing the values of all the source basis functions in all the points at which we want to calculate the solution (essential for calculating the cross_matrix) """ self.b_src = self.basis(self.src_estm_dists, self.R).T self.k_interp_cross =, self.b_pot) # K_t(x,y) Eq17 self.k_interp_cross /= self.n_src
[docs] def update_b_interp_pot(self): """Compute the matrix of potentials generated by every source basis function at every position in the interpolated space. Updates b_interp_pot Updates k_interp_pot Parameters ---------- None """ self.b_interp_pot = self.interpolate_pot_at(self.src_estm_dists).T self.k_interp_pot =, self.b_pot) self.k_interp_pot /= self.n_src
[docs] def values(self, estimate='CSD'): """Computes the values of the quantity of interest Parameters ---------- estimate : 'CSD' or 'POT' What quantity is to be estimated Defaults to 'CSD' Returns ------- estimation : np.array estimated quantity of shape (ngx, ngy, ngz, nt) """ if estimate == 'CSD': # Maybe used for estimating the potentials also. estimation_table = self.k_interp_cross elif estimate == 'POT': estimation_table = self.k_interp_pot else: print('Invalid quantity to be measured, pass either CSD or POT') kernel = self.k_pot + self.lambd * np.identity(self.k_pot.shape[0]) beta_new =, self.pots) estimation =, beta_new) return self.process_estimate(estimation)
[docs] def process_estimate(self, estimation): """Function used to rearrange estimation according to dimension, to be used by the fuctions values Parameters ---------- estimation : np.array Returns ------- estimation : np.array estimated quantity of shape (ngx, ngy, ngz, nt) """ if self.dim == 1: estimation = estimation.reshape(self.ngx, self.n_time) elif self.dim == 2: estimation = estimation.reshape(self.ngx, self.ngy, self.n_time) elif self.dim == 3: estimation = estimation.reshape(self.ngx, self.ngy, self.ngz, self.n_time) try: self.own_src return estimation except: pass return estimation
[docs] def update_R(self, R): """Update the width of the basis fuction - Used in Cross validation Parameters ---------- R : float """ if self.R == R: return self.R = R self.dist_max = max(np.max(self.src_ele_dists), np.max(self.src_estm_dists)) + self.R self.method()
[docs] def update_lambda(self, lambd): """Update the lambda parameter of regularization, Used in Cross validation Parameters ---------- lambd : float """ self.lambd = lambd
[docs] def cross_validate(self, lambdas=None, Rs=None, regression_test=False): """Method defines the cross validation. By default only cross_validates over lambda, When no argument is passed, it takes lambdas = np.logspace(-2,-25,25,base=10.) and Rs = np.array(self.R).flatten() otherwise pass necessary numpy arrays Parameters ---------- lambdas : numpy array Rs : numpy array regression_test : bool Returns ------- R : post cross validation Lambda : post cross validation """ if lambdas is None: # when None print('No lambda given, using defaults') lambdas = np.logspace(-2,-25,25,base=10.) # Default multiple lambda lambdas = np.hstack((lambdas, np.array((0.0)))) elif lambdas.size == 1: # resize when one entry lambdas = lambdas.flatten() if Rs is None: # when None Rs = np.array((self.R)).flatten() # Default over one R value self.errs = np.zeros((Rs.size, lambdas.size)) if regression_test: index_generator = self._get_index_generator() self.errs_regression = self.errs.copy() for R_idx, R in enumerate(Rs): # Iterate over R self.update_R(R) print('Cross validating R (all lambda) :', R) for lambd_idx, lambd in enumerate(lambdas): # Iterate over lambdas self.errs[R_idx, lambd_idx] = self._compute_cverr(lambd) if regression_test: self.errs_regression[R_idx, lambd_idx] = self.compute_cverror(lambd, index_generator) err_idx = np.where(self.errs == np.min(self.errs)) # Index of the least error cv_R = Rs[err_idx[0]][0] # First occurance of the least error's cv_lambda = lambdas[err_idx[1]][0] self.cv_error = np.min(self.errs) # otherwise is None self.update_R(cv_R) # Update solver self.update_lambda(cv_lambda) print('R, lambda :', cv_R, cv_lambda) if regression_test: err_idx = np.where(self.errs_regression == np.min(self.errs_regression)) print("R, lambda :", Rs[err_idx[0]][0], lambdas[err_idx[1]][0], "OLD") print("max diff :", abs(self.errs - self.errs_regression).max()) print("new min, old min :", self.cv_error, np.min(self.errs_regression)) return cv_R, cv_lambda
def _get_index_generator(self): index_generator = [] for ii in range(self.n_ele): idx_test = [ii] idx_train = list(range(self.n_ele)) idx_train.remove(ii) # Leave one out index_generator.append((idx_train, idx_test)) return index_generator def _compute_cverr(self, lambd): n = self.k_pot.shape[0] # self.n_ele K = self.k_pot + np.identity(n) * lambd IDX_N = np.arange(n) return sum(map(np.linalg.norm, [self._leave_one_out_estimate(K, i, IDX_N != i) - ROW for i, ROW in enumerate(self.pots)])) def _leave_one_out_estimate(self, KERNEL, i, IDX): return np.matmul(self.k_pot[np.ix_([i], IDX)], np.linalg.solve(KERNEL[np.ix_(IDX, IDX)], self.pots[IDX]))[0]
[docs] def compute_cverror(self, lambd, index_generator): """Useful for Cross validation error calculations Parameters ---------- lambd : float index_generator : list Returns ------- err : float the sum of the error computed. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the matrix is not numerically invertible. """ err = 0 for idx_train, idx_test in index_generator: B_train = self.k_pot[np.ix_(idx_train, idx_train)] V_train = self.pots[idx_train] V_test = self.pots[idx_test] I_matrix = np.identity(len(idx_train)) B_new = np.matrix(B_train) + (lambd*I_matrix) try: beta_new =, np.matrix(V_train)) B_test = self.k_pot[np.ix_(idx_test, idx_train)] V_est = np.zeros((len(idx_test), self.pots.shape[1])) for ii in range(len(idx_train)): for tt in range(self.pots.shape[1]): V_est[:, tt] += beta_new[ii, tt] * B_test[:, ii] err += np.linalg.norm(V_est-V_test) except LinAlgError: raise LinAlgError('Encoutered Singular Matrix Error:' 'try changing ele_pos slightly') return err
[docs] def suggest_lambda(self): """Computes the lambda parameter range for regularization, Used in Cross validation and L-curve Returns ------- Lambdas : list """ u, s, v = svd(self.k_pot) print('min lambda', 10**np.round(np.log10(s[-1]), decimals=0)) print('max lambda', str.format('{0:.4f}', np.std(np.diag(self.k_pot)))) return np.logspace(np.log10(s[-1]), np.log10(np.std(np.diag(self.k_pot))), 20)
[docs] def L_curve(self, lambdas=None, Rs=None, n_jobs=1): """Method defines the L-curve. By default calculates L-curve over lambda, When no argument is passed, it takes lambdas = np.logspace(-10,-1,100,base=10) and Rs = np.array(self.R).flatten() otherwise pass necessary numpy arrays Parameters ---------- L-curve plotting: default True lambdas : numpy array Rs : numpy array Returns ------- curve_surf : post cross validation """ if lambdas is None: print('No lambda given, using defaults') lambdas = self.suggest_lambda() else: lambdas = lambdas.flatten() if Rs is None: Rs = np.array((self.R)).flatten() else: Rs = np.array((Rs)).flatten() self.lcurve_axis = np.zeros((2, len(Rs), len(lambdas))) self.curve_surf = np.zeros((len(Rs), len(lambdas))) for R_idx, R in enumerate(Rs): self.update_R(R) self.suggest_lambda() print('l-curve (all lambda): ', np.round(R, decimals=3)) modelnormseq, residualseq = utils.parallel_search(self.k_pot, self.pots, lambdas, n_jobs=n_jobs) norm_log = np.log(modelnormseq + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) res_log = np.log(residualseq + np.finfo(np.float64).eps) curveseq = res_log[0] * (norm_log - norm_log[-1]) + res_log * (norm_log[-1] - norm_log[0]) \ + res_log[-1] * (norm_log[0] - norm_log) self.curve_surf[R_idx] = curveseq self.lcurve_axis[0,R_idx] = modelnormseq#norm_log self.lcurve_axis[1,R_idx] = residualseq#res_log best_R_ind = np.argmax(np.max(self.curve_surf, axis=1)) self.m_norm = self.lcurve_axis[0, best_R_ind] self.m_resi = self.lcurve_axis[1, best_R_ind] self.update_R(Rs[best_R_ind]) self.update_lambda(lambdas[np.argmax(self.curve_surf, axis=1)[best_R_ind]]) print("Best lambda and R = ", self.lambd, ', ', np.round(self.R, decimals=3))
[docs] class KCSD1D(KCSD): """The 1D variant for the Kernel Current Source Density method. This estimates the Current Source Density, for a given configuration of electrod positions and recorded potentials, in the case of 1D recording electrodes (laminar probes). The method implented here is based on the original paper by Jan Potworowski 2012. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ele_pos, pots, **kwargs): """Initialize KCSD1D Class. Parameters ---------- ele_pos : numpy array positions of electrodes pots : numpy array potentials measured by electrodes **kwargs configuration parameters, that may contain the following keys: src_type : str basis function type ('gauss', 'step', 'gauss_lim') Defaults to 'gauss' sigma : float space conductance of the tissue in S/m Defaults to 1 S/m n_src_init : int requested number of sources Defaults to 300 R_init : float demanded thickness of the basis element Defaults to 0.23 h : float thickness of analyzed cylindrical slice Defaults to 1. xmin, xmax : floats boundaries for CSD estimation space Defaults to min(ele_pos(x)), and max(ele_pos(x)) ext_x : float length of space extension: x_min-ext_x ... x_max+ext_x Defaults to 0. gdx : float space increments in the estimation space Defaults to 0.01(xmax-xmin) lambd : float regularization parameter for ridge regression Defaults to 0. dist_table_density : int size of the potential interpolation table Defaults to 20 Raises ------ LinAlgError If the matrix is not numerically invertible. KeyError Basis function (src_type) not implemented. See for available """ super(KCSD1D, self).__init__(ele_pos, pots, **kwargs)
[docs] def estimate_at(self): """Defines locations where the estimation is wanted Defines: self.n_estm = self.estm_x.size self.ngx = self.estm_x.shape self.estm_x : Locations at which CSD is requested. """ self.ngx = int(np.rint((self.xmax - self.xmin)/self.gdx)) + 1 self.estm_x = np.linspace(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ngx) self.n_estm = self.estm_x.size self.estm_pos = self.estm_x.reshape(self.n_estm, 1)
[docs] def place_basis(self): """Places basis sources of the defined type. Checks if a given source_type is defined, if so then defines it self.basis, This function gives locations of the basis sources, Defines source_type : basis_fuctions.basis_1D.keys() self.R based on R_init self.dist_max as maximum distance between electrode and basis self.nsx = self.src_x.shape self.src_x : Locations at which basis sources are placed. """ source_type = self.src_type try: self.basis = basis.basis_1D[source_type] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Invalid source_type for basis! available are:', basis.basis_1D.keys()) (self.src_x, self.R) = utils.distribute_srcs_1D(self.estm_x, self.n_src_init, self.ext_x, self.R_init) self.n_src = self.src_x.size self.nsx = self.src_x.shape
[docs] def create_src_dist_tables(self): """Creates distance tables between sources, electrode and estm points """ src_loc = np.array((self.src_x.ravel())) src_loc = src_loc.reshape((len(src_loc), 1)) est_loc = np.array((self.estm_x.ravel())) est_loc = est_loc.reshape((len(est_loc), 1)) self.src_ele_dists = distance.cdist(src_loc, self.ele_pos, 'euclidean') self.src_estm_dists = distance.cdist(src_loc, est_loc, 'euclidean') self.dist_max = max(np.max(self.src_ele_dists), np.max(self.src_estm_dists)) + self.R
[docs] def forward_model(self, x, R, h, sigma, src_type): """Forward model functions Evaluates potential at point (x,0) by a basis source located at (0,0) Eq 26 kCSD by Jan,2012 Parameters ---------- x : float R : float h : float sigma : float src_type : basis_1D.key Returns ------- pot : float value of potential at specified distance from the source """ pot, err = integrate.quad(self.int_pot_1D, -R, R, args=(x, R, h, src_type)) pot *= 1./(2.0*sigma) return pot
[docs] def int_pot_1D(self, xp, x, R, h, basis_func): """Forward model function for 1D. Returns contribution of a point xp,yp, belonging to a basis source support centered at (0,0) to the potential measured at (x,0), integrated over xp,yp gives the potential generated by a basis source element centered at (0,0) at point (x,0) Eq 26 kCSD by Jan,2012 Parameters ---------- xp : floats or np.arrays point or set of points where function should be calculated x : float position at which potential is being measured R : float The size of the basis function h : float thickness of slice basis_func : method Fuction of the basis source Returns ------- pot : float """ m = np.sqrt((x-xp)**2 + h**2) - abs(x-xp) m *= basis_func(abs(xp), R) # xp is the distance return m
[docs] class KCSD2D(KCSD): """The 2D variant for the Kernel Current Source Density method. This estimates the Current Source Density, for a given configuration of electrod positions and recorded potentials, in the case of 2D recording electrodes. The method implented here is based on the original paper by Jan Potworowski 2012. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ele_pos, pots, **kwargs): """Initialize KCSD2D Class. Parameters ---------- ele_pos : numpy array positions of electrodes pots : numpy array potentials measured by electrodes **kwargs configuration parameters, that may contain the following keys: src_type : str basis function type ('gauss', 'step', 'gauss_lim') Defaults to 'gauss' sigma : float space conductance of the tissue in S/m Defaults to 1 S/m n_src_init : int requested number of sources Defaults to 1000 R_init : float demanded thickness of the basis element Defaults to 0.23 h : float thickness of analyzed tissue slice Defaults to 1. xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax : floats boundaries for CSD estimation space Defaults to min(ele_pos(x)), and max(ele_pos(x)) Defaults to min(ele_pos(y)), and max(ele_pos(y)) ext_x, ext_y : float length of space extension: x_min-ext_x ... x_max+ext_x length of space extension: y_min-ext_y ... y_max+ext_y Defaults to 0. gdx, gdy : float space increments in the estimation space Defaults to 0.01(xmax-xmin) Defaults to 0.01(ymax-ymin) lambd : float regularization parameter for ridge regression Defaults to 0. Raises ------ LinAlgError Could not invert the matrix, try changing the ele_pos slightly KeyError Basis function (src_type) not implemented. See for available """ super(KCSD2D, self).__init__(ele_pos, pots, **kwargs)
[docs] def estimate_at(self): """Defines locations where the estimation is wanted Defines: self.n_estm = self.estm_x.size self.ngx, self.ngy = self.estm_x.shape self.estm_x, self.estm_y : Locations at which CSD is requested. """ self.ngx = int(np.rint((self.xmax - self.xmin)/self.gdx)) + 1 self.ngy = int(np.rint((self.ymax - self.ymin)/self.gdy)) + 1 self.estm_pos = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ngx), np.linspace(self.ymin, self.ymax, self.ngy), indexing='ij') self.estm_x, self.estm_y = self.estm_pos self.n_estm = self.estm_x.size
[docs] def place_basis(self): """Places basis sources of the defined type. Checks if a given source_type is defined, if so then defines it self.basis, This function gives locations of the basis sources, Defines source_type : basis_fuctions.basis_2D.keys() self.R based on R_init self.dist_max as maximum distance between electrode and basis self.nsx, self.nsy = self.src_x.shape self.src_x, self.src_y : Locations at which basis sources are placed. """ source_type = self.src_type try: self.basis = basis.basis_2D[source_type] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Invalid source_type for basis! available are:', basis.basis_2D.keys()) (self.src_x, self.src_y, self.R) = utils.distribute_srcs_2D(self.estm_x, self.estm_y, self.n_src_init, self.ext_x, self.ext_y, self.R_init) self.n_src = self.src_x.size self.nsx, self.nsy = self.src_x.shape
[docs] def create_src_dist_tables(self): """Creates distance tables between sources, electrode and estm points """ src_loc = np.array((self.src_x.ravel(), self.src_y.ravel())) est_loc = np.array((self.estm_x.ravel(), self.estm_y.ravel())) self.src_ele_dists = distance.cdist(src_loc.T, self.ele_pos, 'euclidean') self.src_estm_dists = distance.cdist(src_loc.T, est_loc.T, 'euclidean') self.dist_max = max(np.max(self.src_ele_dists), np.max(self.src_estm_dists)) + self.R
[docs] def forward_model(self, x, R, h, sigma, src_type): """FWD model functions Evaluates potential at point (x,0) by a basis source located at (0,0) Eq 22 kCSD by Jan,2012 Parameters ---------- x : float R : float h : float sigma : float src_type : basis_2D.key Returns ------- pot : float value of potential at specified distance from the source """ pot, err = integrate.dblquad(self.int_pot_2D, -R, R, lambda x: -R, lambda x: R, args=(x, R, h, src_type)) pot *= 1./(2.0*np.pi*sigma) # Potential basis functions bi_x_y return pot
[docs] def int_pot_2D(self, xp, yp, x, R, h, basis_func): """FWD model function. Returns contribution of a point xp,yp, belonging to a basis source support centered at (0,0) to the potential measured at (x,0), integrated over xp,yp gives the potential generated by a basis source element centered at (0,0) at point (x,0) Parameters ---------- xp, yp : floats or np.arrays point or set of points where function should be calculated x : float position at which potential is being measured R : float The size of the basis function h : float thickness of slice basis_func : method Fuction of the basis source Returns ------- pot : float """ y = ((x-xp)**2 + yp**2)**(0.5) if y < 0.00001: y = 0.00001 dist = np.sqrt(xp**2 + yp**2) pot = np.arcsinh(h/y)*basis_func(dist, R) return pot
[docs] class MoIKCSD(KCSD2D): """MoIKCSD - CSD while including the forward modeling effects of saline. This estimates the Current Source Density, for a given configuration of electrod positions and recorded potentials, in the case of 2D recording electrodes from an MEA electrode plane using the Method of Images. The method implented here is based on kCSD method by Jan Potworowski 2012, which was extended in Ness, Chintaluri 2015 for MEA. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ele_pos, pots, **kwargs): """Initialize MoIKCSD Class. Parameters ---------- ele_pos : numpy array positions of electrodes pots : numpy array potentials measured by electrodes **kwargs configuration parameters, that may contain the following keys: src_type : str basis function type ('gauss', 'step', 'gauss_lim') Defaults to 'gauss' sigma : float space conductance of the tissue in S/m Defaults to 1 S/m sigma_S : float conductance of the saline (medium) in S/m Default is 5 S/m (5 times more conductive) n_src_init : int requested number of sources Defaults to 1000 R_init : float demanded thickness of the basis element Defaults to 0.23 h : float thickness of analyzed tissue slice Defaults to 1. xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax : floats boundaries for CSD estimation space Defaults to min(ele_pos(x)), and max(ele_pos(x)) Defaults to min(ele_pos(y)), and max(ele_pos(y)) ext_x, ext_y : float length of space extension: x_min-ext_x ... x_max+ext_x length of space extension: y_min-ext_y ... y_max+ext_y Defaults to 0. gdx, gdy : float space increments in the estimation space Defaults to 0.01(xmax-xmin) Defaults to 0.01(ymax-ymin) lambd : float regularization parameter for ridge regression Defaults to 0. MoI_iters : int Number of interations in method of images. Default is 20 """ self.MoI_iters = kwargs.pop('MoI_iters', 20) self.sigma_S = kwargs.pop('sigma_S', 5.0) self.sigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', 1.0) W_TS = (self.sigma - self.sigma_S) / (self.sigma + self.sigma_S) self.iters = np.arange(self.MoI_iters) + 1 # Eq 6, Ness (2015) self.iter_factor = W_TS**self.iters super(MoIKCSD, self).__init__(ele_pos, pots, **kwargs)
[docs] def forward_model(self, x, R, h, sigma, src_type): """FWD model functions Evaluates potential at point (x,0) by a basis source located at (0,0) Eq 22 kCSD by Jan,2012 Parameters ---------- x : float R : float h : float sigma : float src_type : basis_2D.key Returns ------- pot : float value of potential at specified distance from the source """ pot, err = integrate.dblquad(self.int_pot_2D_moi, -R, R, lambda x: -R, lambda x: R, args=(x, R, h, src_type)) pot *= 1./(2.0*np.pi*sigma) return pot
[docs] def int_pot_2D_moi(self, xp, yp, x, R, h, basis_func): """FWD model function. Incorporates the Method of Images. Returns contribution of a point xp,yp, belonging to a basis source support centered at (0,0) to the potential measured at (x,0), integrated over xp,yp gives the potential generated by a basis source element centered at (0,0) at point (x,0) #Eq 20, Ness(2015) Parameters ---------- xp, yp : floats or np.arrays point or set of points where function should be calculated x : float position at which potential is being measured R : float The size of the basis function h : float thickness of slice basis_func : method Fuction of the basis source Returns ------- pot : float """ L = ((x-xp)**2 + yp**2)**(0.5) if L < 0.00001: L = 0.00001 correction = np.arcsinh((h-(2*h*self.iters))/L) + np.arcsinh((h+(2*h*self.iters))/L) pot = np.arcsinh(h/L) + np.sum(self.iter_factor*correction) dist = np.sqrt(xp**2 + yp**2) pot *= basis_func(dist, R) # Eq 20, Ness return pot
[docs] class KCSD3D(KCSD): """KCSD3D - The 3D variant for the Kernel Current Source Density method. This estimates the Current Source Density, for a given configuration of electrod positions and recorded potentials, in the case of 2D recording electrodes. The method implented here is based on the original paper by Jan Potworowski 2012. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ele_pos, pots, **kwargs): """Initialize KCSD3D Class. Parameters ---------- ele_pos : numpy array positions of electrodes pots : numpy array potentials measured by electrodes **kwargs configuration parameters, that may contain the following keys: src_type : str basis function type ('gauss', 'step', 'gauss_lim') Defaults to 'gauss' sigma : float space conductance of the tissue in S/m Defaults to 1 S/m n_src_init : int requested number of sources Defaults to 1000 R_init : float demanded thickness of the basis element Defaults to 0.23 h : float thickness of analyzed tissue slice Defaults to 1. xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax : floats boundaries for CSD estimation space Defaults to min(ele_pos(x)), and max(ele_pos(x)) Defaults to min(ele_pos(y)), and max(ele_pos(y)) Defaults to min(ele_pos(z)), and max(ele_pos(z)) ext_x, ext_y, ext_z : float length of space extension: xmin-ext_x ... xmax+ext_x length of space extension: ymin-ext_y ... ymax+ext_y length of space extension: zmin-ext_z ... zmax+ext_z Defaults to 0. gdx, gdy, gdz : float space increments in the estimation space Defaults to 0.01(xmax-xmin) Defaults to 0.01(ymax-ymin) Defaults to 0.01(zmax-zmin) lambd : float regularization parameter for ridge regression Defaults to 0. Raises ------ LinAlgError Could not invert the matrix, try changing the ele_pos slightly KeyError Basis function (src_type) not implemented. See for available """ super(KCSD3D, self).__init__(ele_pos, pots, **kwargs)
[docs] def estimate_at(self): """Defines locations where the estimation is wanted Defines: self.n_estm = self.estm_x.size self.ngx, self.ngy, self.ngz = self.estm_x.shape self.estm_x, self.estm_y, self.estm_z : Pts. at which CSD is requested """ self.ngx = int(np.rint((self.xmax - self.xmin)/self.gdx)) + 1 self.ngy = int(np.rint((self.ymax - self.ymin)/self.gdy)) + 1 self.ngz = int(np.rint((self.zmax - self.zmin)/self.gdz)) + 1 self.estm_pos = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(self.xmin, self.xmax, self.ngx), np.linspace(self.ymin, self.ymax, self.ngy), np.linspace(self.zmin, self.zmax, self.ngz), indexing='ij') self.estm_x, self.estm_y, self.estm_z = self.estm_pos self.n_estm = self.estm_x.size
[docs] def place_basis(self): """Places basis sources of the defined type. Checks if a given source_type is defined, if so then defines it self.basis, This function gives locations of the basis sources, Defines source_type : basis_fuctions.basis_2D.keys() self.R based on R_init self.dist_max as maximum distance between electrode and basis self.nsx, self.nsy, self.nsz = self.src_x.shape self.src_x, self.src_y, self.src_z : Locations at which basis sources are placed. """ source_type = self.src_type try: self.basis = basis.basis_3D[source_type] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Invalid source_type for basis! available are:', basis.basis_3D.keys()) (self.src_x, self.src_y, self.src_z, self.R) = utils.distribute_srcs_3D(self.estm_x, self.estm_y, self.estm_z, self.n_src_init, self.ext_x, self.ext_y, self.ext_z, self.R_init) self.n_src = self.src_x.size self.nsx, self.nsy, self.nsz = self.src_x.shape
[docs] def create_src_dist_tables(self): """Creates distance tables between sources, electrode and estm points """ src_loc = np.array((self.src_x.ravel(), self.src_y.ravel(), self.src_z.ravel())) est_loc = np.array((self.estm_x.ravel(), self.estm_y.ravel(), self.estm_z.ravel())) self.src_ele_dists = distance.cdist(src_loc.T, self.ele_pos, 'euclidean') self.src_estm_dists = distance.cdist(src_loc.T, est_loc.T, 'euclidean') self.dist_max = max(np.max(self.src_ele_dists), np.max(self.src_estm_dists)) + self.R
[docs] def forward_model(self, x, R, h, sigma, src_type): """FWD model functions Evaluates potential at point (x,0) by a basis source located at (0,0) Utlizies sk monaco monte carlo method if available, otherwise defaults to scipy integrate Parameters ---------- x : float R : float h : float sigma : float src_type : basis_3D.key Returns ------- pot : float value of potential at specified distance from the source """ if src_type.__name__ == "gauss_3D": if x == 0: x=0.0001 pot = special.erf(x/(np.sqrt(2)*R/3.0)) / x elif src_type.__name__ == "gauss_lim_3D": if x == 0: x=0.0001 d = R/3. if x < R: e = np.exp(-(x / (np.sqrt(2)*d))**2) erf = special.erf(x / (np.sqrt(2)*d)) pot = 4*np.pi * ((d**2)*(e - np.exp(-4.5)) + (1/x)*((np.sqrt(np.pi/2)*(d**3)*erf) - x*(d**2)*e)) else: pot = 15.28828*(d)**3 / x pot /= (np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*d)**3 elif src_type.__name__ == "step_3D": Q = 4.*np.pi*(R**3)/3. if x < R: pot = (Q * (3 - (x/R)**2)) / (2.*R) else: pot = Q / x pot *= 3/(4*np.pi*R**3) else: pot, err = integrate.tplquad(self.int_pot_3D, -R, R, lambda x: -R, lambda x: R, lambda x, y: -R, lambda x, y: R, args=(x, R, h, src_type)) pot *= 1./(4.0*np.pi*sigma) return pot
[docs] def int_pot_3D(self, xp, yp, zp, x, R, h, basis_func): """FWD model function. Returns contribution of a point xp,yp, belonging to a basis source support centered at (0,0) to the potential measured at (x,0), integrated over xp,yp gives the potential generated by a basis source element centered at (0,0) at point (x,0) Parameters ---------- xp, yp, zp : floats or np.arrays point or set of points where function should be calculated x : float position at which potential is being measured R : float The size of the basis function h : float thickness of slice basis_func : method Fuction of the basis source Returns ------- pot : float """ y = ((x-xp)**2 + yp**2 + zp**2)**0.5 if y < 0.00001: y = 0.00001 dist = np.sqrt(xp**2 + yp**2 + zp**2) pot = 1.0/y pot *= basis_func(dist, R) return pot
[docs] class oKCSD1D(KCSD1D): """oKCSD - The variant for the Kernel Current Source Density method that allows to reconstruct potential and CSD in given 1D space points. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ele_pos, pots, **kwargs): """Initialize oKCSD1D Class. Parameters ---------- ele_pos : numpy array positions of electrodes pots : numpy array potentials measured by electrodes **kwargs configuration parameters, that may contain the following keys: src_type : str basis function type ('gauss', 'step', 'gauss_lim') Defaults to 'gauss' sigma : float space conductance of the tissue in S/m Defaults to 1 S/m n_src_init : int requested number of sources Defaults to 1000 R_init : float demanded thickness of the basis element Defaults to 0.23 h : float thickness of analyzed tissue slice Defaults to 1. own_est: numpy array points coordinates of estimation places. If not given estimation places will be taken from own_src own_src: numpy array points coordinates of basis source centers lambd : float regularization parameter for ridge regression Defaults to 0. Raises ------ LinAlgError Could not invert the matrix, try changing the ele_pos slightly KeyError Basis function (src_type) not implemented. See for available """ self.own_src = kwargs.pop('own_src', np.array([])) self.own_est = kwargs.pop('own_est', np.array([])) if not self.own_est.any(): self.own_est = self.own_src if not self.own_est.any() and not self.own_src.any(): raise KeyError('"own_src" is required argument to use oKCSD1D.' + 'If you would like to reconstruct in default ' + 'region of interest please use KCSD1D') super(oKCSD1D, self).__init__(ele_pos, pots, **kwargs) self.dim = 'own'
[docs] def estimate_at(self): """Redefines locations where the estimation is wanted Defines: self.n_estm = self.estm_x.size self.estm_x : Locations at which CSD is requested. """ self.estm_x = self.own_est self.n_estm = self.estm_x.size
[docs] def place_basis(self): """Places basis sources of the defined type. Checks if a given source_type is defined, if so then defines it self.basis, This function gives locations of the basis sources, Defines source_type : basis_fuctions.basis_1D.keys() self.R based on R_init self.dist_max as maximum distance between electrode and basis self.src_x : Locations at which basis sources are placed. """ source_type = self.src_type try: self.basis = basis.basis_1D[source_type] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Invalid source_type for basis! available are:', basis.basis_1D.keys()) self.R = self.R_init self.src_x = self.own_src self.n_src = self.src_x.size
[docs] class oKCSD2D(KCSD2D): """oKCSD - The variant for the Kernel Current Source Density method that allows to reconstruct potential and CSD in given 2D space points. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ele_pos, pots, **kwargs): """Initialize oKCSD2D Class. Parameters ---------- ele_pos : numpy array positions of electrodes pots : numpy array potentials measured by electrodes **kwargs configuration parameters, that may contain the following keys: src_type : str basis function type ('gauss', 'step', 'gauss_lim') Defaults to 'gauss' sigma : float space conductance of the tissue in S/m Defaults to 1 S/m n_src_init : int requested number of sources Defaults to 1000 R_init : float demanded thickness of the basis element Defaults to 0.23 h : float thickness of analyzed tissue slice Defaults to 1. own_est: numpy array points coordinates of estimation places. If not given estimation places will be taken from own_src own_src: numpy array points coordinates of basis source centers lambd : float regularization parameter for ridge regression Defaults to 0. Raises ------ LinAlgError Could not invert the matrix, try changing the ele_pos slightly KeyError Basis function (src_type) not implemented. See for available """ self.own_src = kwargs.pop('own_src', np.array([])) self.own_est = kwargs.pop('own_est', np.array([])) if not self.own_est.any(): self.own_est = self.own_src if not self.own_est.any() and not self.own_src.any(): raise KeyError('"own_src" is required argument to use oKCSD2D.' + 'If you would like to reconstruct in default ' + 'region of interest please use KCSD2D') super(oKCSD2D, self).__init__(ele_pos, pots, **kwargs) self.dim = 'own'
[docs] def estimate_at(self): """Redefines locations where the estimation is wanted Defines: self.n_estm = self.estm_x.size self.estm_x, self.estm_y : Locations at which CSD is requested. """ self.estm_x, self.estm_y = self.own_est self.n_estm = self.estm_x.size
[docs] def place_basis(self): """Places basis sources of the defined type. Checks if a given source_type is defined, if so then defines it self.basis, This function gives locations of the basis sources, Defines source_type : basis_fuctions.basis_2D.keys() self.R based on R_init self.src_x, self.src_y : Locations at which basis sources are placed. """ source_type = self.src_type try: self.basis = basis.basis_2D[source_type] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Invalid source_type for basis! available are:', basis.basis_2D.keys()) self.R = self.R_init self.src_x, self.src_y = self.own_src self.n_src = self.src_x.size
[docs] class oKCSD3D(KCSD3D): """oKCSD - The variant for the Kernel Current Source Density method that allows to reconstruct potential and CSD in given 3D space points. """
[docs] def __init__(self, ele_pos, pots, **kwargs): """Initialize oKCSD3D Class. Parameters ---------- ele_pos : numpy array positions of electrodes pots : numpy array potentials measured by electrodes **kwargs configuration parameters, that may contain the following keys: src_type : str basis function type ('gauss', 'step', 'gauss_lim') Defaults to 'gauss' sigma : float space conductance of the tissue in S/m Defaults to 1 S/m n_src_init : int requested number of sources Defaults to 1000 R_init : float demanded thickness of the basis element Defaults to 0.23 h : float thickness of analyzed tissue slice Defaults to 1. own_est: numpy array points coordinates of estimation places. If not given estimation places will be taken from own_src own_src: numpy array points coordinates of basis source centers lambd : float regularization parameter for ridge regression Defaults to 0. Raises ------ LinAlgError Could not invert the matrix, try changing the ele_pos slightly KeyError Basis function (src_type) not implemented. See for available """ self.own_src = kwargs.pop('own_src', np.array([])) self.own_est = kwargs.pop('own_est', np.array([])) if not self.own_est.any(): self.own_est = self.own_src if not self.own_est.any() and not self.own_src.any(): raise KeyError('"own_src" is required argument to use oKCSD3D.' + 'If you would like to reconstruct in default ' + 'region of interest please use KCSD3D') super(oKCSD3D, self).__init__(ele_pos, pots, **kwargs) self.dim = 'own'
[docs] def estimate_at(self): """Redefines locations where the estimation is wanted Defines: self.n_estm = self.estm_x.size self.estm_x, self.estm_y, self.estm_z : Locations at which CSD is requested. """ self.estm_x, self.estm_y, self.estm_z = self.own_est self.n_estm = self.estm_x.size
[docs] def place_basis(self): """Places basis sources of the defined type. Checks if a given source_type is defined, if so then defines it self.basis, This function gives locations of the basis sources, Defines source_type : basis_fuctions.basis_3D.keys() self.R based on R_init self.src_x, self.src_y, self.src_z : Locations at which basis sources are placed. """ source_type = self.src_type try: self.basis = basis.basis_3D[source_type] except KeyError: raise KeyError('Invalid source_type for basis! available are:', basis.basis_3D.keys()) self.R = self.R_init self.src_x, self.src_y, self.src_z = self.own_src self.n_src = self.src_x.size
if __name__ == '__main__': print('Checking 1D') ele_pos = np.array(([-0.1], [0], [0.5], [1.], [1.4], [2.], [2.3])) pots = np.array([[-1], [-1], [-1], [0], [0], [1], [-1.5]]) k = KCSD1D(ele_pos, pots, gdx=0.01, n_src_init=300, ext_x=0.0, src_type='gauss') k.cross_validate() print(k.values()) print('Checking 2D') ele_pos = np.array([[-0.2, -0.2], [0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [1, 1], [0.5, 0.5], [1.2, 1.2]]) pots = np.array([[-1], [-1], [-1], [0], [0], [1], [-1.5]]) k = KCSD2D(ele_pos, pots, gdx=0.05, gdy=0.05, xmin=-2.0, xmax=2.0, ymin=-2.0, ymax=2.0, src_type='gauss') k.cross_validate() print(k.values()) print('Checking MoIKCSD') k = MoIKCSD(ele_pos, pots, gdx=0.05, gdy=0.05, xmin=-2.0, xmax=2.0, ymin=-2.0, ymax=2.0) k.cross_validate() print('Checking KCSD3D') ele_pos = np.array([(0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 1, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 0), (1, 0, 1), (1, 1, 1), (0.5, 0.5, 0.5)]) pots = np.array([[-0.5], [0], [-0.5], [0], [0], [0.2], [0], [0], [1]]) k = KCSD3D(ele_pos, pots, gdx=0.02, gdy=0.02, gdz=0.02, n_src_init=1000, src_type='gauss_lim') k.cross_validate() print(k.values())