Source code for kcsd.sKCSD

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Following people have contributed code and/or ideas to the current version of kCSD

Chaitanya Chintaluri[1] Marta Kowalska[1] Michal Czerwinski[1] Joanna Jędrzejewska – Szmek[1] Władysław Średniawa[1]

Jan Mąka [1, 3*] Grzegorz Parka[2] Daniel K. Wojcik[1]

[1] Laboratory of Neuroinformatics, Nencki Institute of Experimental Biology, Warsaw, Poland [2] Google Summer of Code 2014, INCF/pykCSD [3] University of Warsaw, Poland

import numpy as np
import os
from scipy.spatial import distance
from scipy import special, interpolate, integrate
from collections import Counter, OrderedDict
import sys
from . import sKCSD_utils as utils
from . import basis_functions as basis
from .KCSD import KCSD1D

class sKCSDcell(object):
    sKCSDcell -- construction of the morphology loop for sKCSD method
    (Cserpan et al., 2017).

    This calculates the morphology loop and helps transform
    CSDestimates/potential estimates from loop/segment space to 3D.
    The method implented here is based on the original paper
    by Dorottya Cserpan et al., 2017.

    def __init__(self, morphology, ele_pos, n_src, **kwargs):
        """ Initialize sKCSDcell class
        morphology : np.array
            morphology array (swc format)
        ele_pos : np.array
            electrode positions
        n_src : int
            number of sources
        tolerance : float
            minimum size of dendrite used to calculate 3 D grid parameters

        self.morphology = morphology  # morphology file
        self.ele_pos = ele_pos  # electrode_positions
        self.n_src = n_src  # number of sources
        assert n_src 
        self.max_dist = 0  # maximum distance
        self.segments = {}  # segment dictionary with loops as keys
        self.segment_counter = 0  # which segment we're on
        rep = Counter(self.morphology[:, 6])
        self.branching = [int(key) for key in rep.keys() if rep[key] > 1]
        self.morphology_loop()  # make the morphology loop
        self.source_pos = np.zeros((n_src, 1))
        # positions of sources on the morphology (1D),
        # necessary for source division
        self.source_pos[:, 0] = np.linspace(0, self.max_dist - self.max_dist/n_src, n_src)
        # Cartesian coordinates of the sources
        self.source_xyz = np.zeros(shape=(n_src, 3))
        self.tolerance = kwargs.pop('tolerance', 2e-6)  # smallest dendrite used for visualisation
        # max and min points of the neuron's morphology, unless given
        self.xmin = kwargs.pop('xmin', np.min(self.morphology[:, 2]))
        self.xmax = kwargs.pop('xmax', np.max(self.morphology[:, 2]))
        self.ymin = kwargs.pop('ymin', np.min(self.morphology[:, 3]))
        self.ymax = kwargs.pop('ymax', np.max(self.morphology[:, 3]))
        self.zmin = kwargs.pop('zmin', np.min(self.morphology[:, 4]))
        self.zmax = kwargs.pop('zmax', np.max(self.morphology[:, 4]))
        self.dxs = self.get_dxs()
        self.dims = self.get_grid()
        if kwargs:
            raise TypeError('Invalid keyword arguments:', kwargs.keys())

    def add_segment(self, mp1, mp2):
        """Add indices of morphology points defining a segment
        to a dictionary of segments.

        This dictionary is used for CSD/potential trasformation from
        loops to segments.

        mp1: int
        mp2: int

        key1 = "%d_%d" % (mp1, mp2)
        key2 = "%d_%d" % (mp2, mp1)
        if key1 not in self.segments:
            self.segments[key1] = self.segment_counter
            self.segments[key2] = self.segment_counter
            self.segment_counter += 1

    def add_loop(self, mp1, mp2):
        """Add indices of morphology points defining a loop to list of loops.
        Increase maximum distance counter.

        mp1: int
        mp2: int

        self.add_segment(mp1, mp2)
        xyz1 = self.morphology[mp1, 2:5]
        xyz2 = self.morphology[mp2, 2:5]
        self.loops.append([mp2, mp1])
        self.max_dist += np.linalg.norm(xyz1 - xyz2)

    def morphology_loop(self):
        """Cover the morphology of the cell with loops.

        # loop over morphology
        self.loops = []
        for morph_pnt in range(1, self.morphology.shape[0]):
            if self.morphology[morph_pnt-1, 0] == self.morphology[morph_pnt,
                self.add_loop(morph_pnt, morph_pnt-1)
            elif self.morphology[morph_pnt, 6] in self.branching:
                last_branch = int(self.morphology[morph_pnt, 6])-1
                last_point = morph_pnt - 1
                while True:
                    parent = int(self.morphology[last_point, 6]) - 1
                    self.add_loop(parent, last_point)
                    if parent == last_branch:
                    last_point = parent
                self.add_loop(morph_pnt, int(self.morphology[morph_pnt,
                                                             6]) - 1)

        last_point = morph_pnt
        while True:
            parent = int(self.morphology[last_point, 6]) - 1
            self.add_loop(parent, last_point)
            if int(self.morphology[parent, 6]) == -1:
            last_point = parent
        # find estimation points
        self.loops = np.array(self.loops)
        self.est_pos = np.zeros((len(self.loops)+1, 1))
        self.est_xyz = np.zeros((len(self.loops)+1, 3))
        self.est_xyz[0, :] = self.morphology[self.loops[0][0], 2:5]
        for i, loop in enumerate(self.loops):
            length = utils.calculate_distance(self.morphology[loop[1],2:5],
                                              self.morphology[loop[0], 2:5])
            self.est_pos[i+1] = self.est_pos[i] + length
            self.est_xyz[i+1, :] = self.morphology[loop[1], 2:5]
        self.loop_pos = self.est_pos[1:]

    def distribute_srcs_3D_morph(self):
        """Calculate 3D coordinates of sources placed on the morphology loop.

        for i, x in enumerate(self.source_pos):
            self.source_xyz[i] = self.get_xyz(x)
        return self.source_pos
    def get_src_ele_mesh(self, electrode_no):
        """Calculate mesh with coordinates of sources and electrodes number
        for exact b_pot calculation.

        electrode_no : int

        list, where list[0]: 1D source coordinates on the morphology loop,
        list[1]: electrode number

        return np.meshgrid(self.source_pos,

    def get_src_ele_dists(self):
        Calculate mesh with coordinates of sources and coordinates of electrodes
        for exact b_pot calculation.


        list, where list[0]: 1D source coordinates on the morphology loop,
        list[1]: 3D electrode coordinates
        electrode_no = np.arange(0, self.ele_pos.shape[0], 1, dtype=int)
        src_ele_help =  self.get_src_ele_mesh(electrode_no)
        positions = self.ele_pos[src_ele_help[1]]
        src_ele_dists = [src_ele_help[0]]
        return src_ele_dists
    def get_src_estm_dists(self):
        Calculate Euclidean distance between source position on the morphology
        loop and positions of estimation points on the morphology loop 
        (segment ends).
        numpy array with distances of the shape (n_src, len(morphology))
        return distance.cdist(self.source_pos,
    def get_src_estm_dists_pot(self):
        return np.meshgrid(self.source_pos,
    def get_xyz(self, v):
        """Find cartesian coordinates of a point (v) on the morphology loop.
        Use morphology point cartesian coordinates (from the morphology file,
        self.est_xyz) for interpolation.

        x : float

        tuple of length 3
        return interpolate.interp1d(self.est_pos[:, 0], self.est_xyz,
                                    kind='slinear', axis=0)(v)
    def calculate_total_distance(self):
        Calculates doubled total legth of the cell.

        total_dist = 0
        for i in range(1, self.morphology.shape[0]):
            xyz1 = self.morphology[i, 2:5]
            xyz2 = self.morphology[int(self.morphology[i, 6]) - 1, 2:5]
            total_dist += np.linalg.norm(xyz2 - xyz1)
        total_dist *= 2
        return total_dist

    def corrected_x(self, xp):
        Function calculating x position if x is outside the bounds 
        of the morphology loop

        xp : float

        return xp + (xp<0)*self.max_dist - (xp>self.max_dist)*self.max_dist
    def points_in_between(self, p1, p0, last):
        """Wrapper for the Bresenheim algorythm, which accepts only 2D vector
        coordinates. The last point -- p0 is included in output

        p1, p0: sequence of length 3
        last : int

        points between p0 and p1 including (last=True) or not including p0
        # bresenhamline only works with 2D vectors with coordinates
        if p1[0] == p0[0] and p1[1] == p0[1] and p1[2] == p0[2]:
            return [np.array(p1)]
        new_p1, new_p0 = np.ndarray((1, 3), dtype=int), np.ndarray((1, 3),
        for i in range(3):
            new_p1[0, i], new_p0[0, i] = p1[i], p0[i]
        intermediate_points = utils.bresenhamline(new_p0, new_p1, -1)
        if last:
            return np.concatenate((new_p0, intermediate_points))
        return intermediate_points

    def get_dxs(self):
        """Calculate parameters of the 3D grid used to transform CSD
        (or potential) according to eq. (22). self.tolerance is used
        to specify smalles possible size of neurite.

        dxs: np.array of 3 floats

        differences = []
        for i in range(self.est_xyz.shape[1]):
            dx = abs(self.est_xyz[1:, i] - self.est_xyz[:-1, i])
            differences += list(dx[dx > self.tolerance])
        if len(differences) == 0:
            sys.exit('tolerance = %f, which is the minimum pixel width for 3D visiualizations, is too low. Exiting')
        return min(differences)*np.ones((3,))

    def get_grid(self):
        """Calculate size of the 3D grid used to transform CSD
        (or potential) according to eq. (22). self.tolerance is used
        to specify smalles possible size of neurite.



        dims: np.array of 3 ints
        CSD/potential array 3D coordinates
        vals = [
            [self.xmin, self.xmax],
            [self.ymin, self.ymax],
            [self.zmin, self.zmax]
        dims = np.ones((3, ), dtype=int)
        for i, dx in enumerate(self.dxs):
            dims[i] = 1
            if dx:
                dims[i] += np.floor((vals[i][1] - vals[i][0])/dx)
        return dims

    def point_coordinates(self, morpho, dxs=None):
        Calculate indices of points in morpho in the 3D grid calculated
        using self.get_grid()

        morpho : np.array
           array with a morphology (either segements or morphology loop)
        dxs : sequence of length 3
           size of the voxel
        coor_3D : np.array
        zero_coords : np.array
           indices of morpho's initial point
        minis = np.array([self.xmin, self.ymin, self.zmin])
        zero_coords = np.zeros((3, ), dtype=int)
        coor_3D = np.zeros((morpho.shape[0] - 1, morpho.shape[1]),
        if dxs is None:
            dxs = self.dxs
        for i, dx in enumerate(dxs):
            if dx:
                coor_3D[:, i] = np.floor((morpho[1:, i] - minis[i])/dx)
                zero_coords[i] = np.floor((morpho[0, i] - minis[i])/dx)
        return coor_3D, zero_coords

    def coordinates_3D_loops(self, dxs1=None):
        Find points of each loop in 3D grid
        (for CSD/potential calculation in 3D).

        dxs : sequence of length 3
           size of the voxel

        segment_coordinates : np.array
           Indices of points of 3D grid for each loop

        coor_3D, p0 = self.point_coordinates(self.est_xyz, dxs=dxs1)
        segment_coordinates = {}
        for i, p1 in enumerate(coor_3D):
            last = (i+1 == len(coor_3D))
            segment_coordinates[i] = self.points_in_between(p0, p1, last)
            p0 = p1
        return segment_coordinates

    def coordinates_3D_segments(self, dxs1=None):
        Find points of each segment in 3D grid
        (for CSD/potential calculation in 3D).


        segment_coordinates : np.array
           Indices of points of 3D grid for each segment

        coor_3D, p0 = self.point_coordinates(self.morphology[:, 2:5], dxs=dxs1)
        segment_coordinates = {}

        parentage = self.morphology[1:, 6]-2
        i = 0
        p1 = coor_3D[0]

        while True:
            last = (i+1 == len(coor_3D))
            segment_coordinates[i] = self.points_in_between(p0, p1, last)
            if i + 1 == len(coor_3D):
            if i:
                p0_idx = int(parentage[i + 1])
                p0 = coor_3D[p0_idx]
                p0 = p1
            i = i + 1
            p1 = coor_3D[i]
        return segment_coordinates

    def transform_to_3D(self, to_estimate, what="loop"):
        Transform potential/csd/ground truth values in segment or loop space
        to 3D.

        to_estimate : np.array
        what : string
           "loop" -- estimated is in loop space
           "morpho" -- estimated in in segment space

        result : np.array
        if what == "loop":
            coor_3D = self.coordinates_3D_loops()
        elif what == "morpho":
            coor_3D = self.coordinates_3D_segments()
            sys.exit('Unknown type of neuron morphology %s\n' % what)

        assert len(coor_3D) == to_estimate.shape[0]

        estimated = utils.check_estimated_shape(to_estimate)
        n_time = estimated.shape[-1]
        new_dims = list(self.dims) + [n_time]
        result = np.zeros(new_dims)
        for i in coor_3D:
            coor = coor_3D[i]
            for p in coor:
                x, y, z, = p
                result[x, y, z, :] += estimated[i, :]
        return result

    def transform_to_segments(self, estimated):
        Transform potential/csd/ground truth values in loop space
        to segment space.

        estimated : np.array

        result : np.array

        result = np.zeros((self.morphology.shape[0]-1, estimated.shape[1]))
        for i, loop in enumerate(self.loops):
            key = "%d_%d" % (loop[0], loop[1])
            seg_no = self.segments[key]
            result[seg_no, :] += estimated[i, :]
        return result

    def draw_cell2D(self, axis=2, resolution=None, segments=True):
        Cell morphology in 3D grid in projection of axis.

        axis : int
          0: x axis, 1: y axis, 2: z axis
        resolution : sequence of length 3
          size of the 2D image depicting the morphology
          default None, in such case default neuron resolution, 
          which is based on the smallest neurite in the morphology,
          is used
        if resolution is None:
            dxs = self.dxs
            resolution = self.dims
            assert resolution[0] > 0
            assert resolution[1] > 0
            assert resolution[2] > 0
            dxs = np.zeros((3,))
            vals = np.array([
                [self.xmin, self.xmax],
                [self.ymin, self.ymax],
                [self.zmin, self.zmax]
            for i, dx in enumerate(dxs):
                dxs[i] = abs(vals[i][1]-vals[i][0])/resolution[i]

        if segments == True:
            coor_3D = self.coordinates_3D_segments(dxs)
            coor_3D = self.coordinates_3D_loops(dxs)

        image_3D = np.zeros(resolution)
        for coor in coor_3D:
            points = coor_3D[coor]
            for point in points:
                x, y, z = point
                image_3D[x, y, z] = 1
        image = image_3D.sum(axis=axis)

        if axis == 0:
            extent = [self.ymin, self.ymax,
                      self.zmin, self.zmax]
        elif axis == 1:
            extent = [self.xmin, self.xmax,
                      self.zmin, self.zmax]
        elif axis == 2:
            extent = [self.xmin, self.xmax,
                      self.ymin, self.ymax]
            sys.exit('In drawing 2D morphology unknown axis %d' % axis)
        rgb_image = np.ones(shape=(image.shape[0], image.shape[1], 4), dtype=np.uint8)*255
        rgb_image[:, :, 3] = 0
        indices = np.where(image >= 1)
        for i, x in enumerate(indices[0]):
            y = indices[1][i]
            rgb_image[x, y, :] = [0, 0, 0, 255]
        return rgb_image, extent

[docs] class sKCSD(KCSD1D): """sKCSD - Kernel Current Source Density method on a neuron morphology. This estimates the Current Source Density, using the skCSD method Cserpan (2017). """
[docs] def __init__(self, ele_pos, pots, morphology, **kwargs): """ Initialize sKCSD Class. Parameters ---------- ele_pos : numpy array positions of electrodes pots : numpy array potentials measured by electrodes morphology: numpy array morphology of the cell **kwargs configuration parameters, that may contain the following keys: src_type : str basis function type ('gauss', 'step', 'gauss_lim') Defaults to 'gauss' sigma : float space conductance of the medium Defaults to 1. h : float tissue thickness, unused in sKCSD Defaults to 10 um n_src_init : int requested number of sources Defaults to 1000 R_init : float demanded thickness of the basis element Defaults to 23 um lambd : float regularization parameter for ridge regression Defaults to 0. dist_table_density : int size of the potential interpolation table Defaults to 20 tolerance : float minimum neurite size used for 3D tranformation of CSD and potential Defaults to 2 um exact : bool switch for exact computation of b_pot instead of interpolating results (a faster solution for lower number of electrodes and less complicated morphology) Defaults to False Raises ------ LinAlgError Could not invert the matrix, try changing the ele_pos slightly KeyError Basis function (src_type) not implemented. See for available """ self.morphology = morphology super(sKCSD, self).__init__(ele_pos, pots, **kwargs)
[docs] def parameters(self, **kwargs): self.src_type = kwargs.pop('src_type', 'gauss') self.sigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', 1.0) self.h = kwargs.pop('h', 1e-5) self.n_src_init = kwargs.pop('n_src_init', 1000) self.lambd = kwargs.pop('lambd', 1e-4) self.R_init = kwargs.pop('R_init', 2.3e-5) # microns self.dist_table_density = kwargs.pop('dist_table_density', 20) self.dim = 'skCSD' self.tolerance = kwargs.pop('tolerance', 2e-06) self.exact = kwargs.pop('exact', False) self.est_xyz_auto = False if kwargs: raise TypeError('Invalid keyword arguments:', kwargs.keys())
[docs] def estimate_at(self): """Defines locations where the estimation is wanted This is done while construction of morphology loop in sKCSDcell Defines: self.n_estm = len(self.cell.estm_x) """ self.cell = sKCSDcell(self.morphology, self.ele_pos, self.n_src_init, tolerance=self.tolerance) self.n_estm = len(self.cell.loop_pos)
[docs] def place_basis(self): """Places basis sources of the defined type. Checks if a given source_type is defined, if so then defines it self.basis, This function gives locations of the basis sources, Defines source_type : basis_fuctions.basis_2D.keys() self.R based on R_init self.src_x: Locations at which basis sources are placed. self.n_src: amount of placed basis sources """ self.R = self.R_init source_type = self.src_type try: self.basis = basis.basis_1D[source_type] except: print('Invalid source_type for basis! available are:', basis.basis_1D.keys()) raise KeyError self.src_x = self.cell.source_pos self.n_src = self.cell.n_src
def get_src_ele_dists(self): if not self.exact: return self.src_ele_dists = self.cell.get_src_ele_dists()
[docs] def create_src_dist_tables(self): """Creates distance tables between sources, electrode and estm points """ self.src_estm_dists = self.cell.get_src_estm_dists() self.src_estm_dists_pot = self.cell.get_src_estm_dists_pot() self.get_src_ele_dists() self.dist_max = np.max(self.src_x) + self.R
[docs] def forward_model_1D(self, src, dist, R, sigma, src_type): """FWD model functions Evaluates potential at point (x,0) by a basis source located at (0,0) Parameters ---------- x : float R : float sigma : float src_type : basis_3D.key Returns ------- pot : float value of potential at specified distance from the source """ pot, err = integrate.quad(self.int_pot_1D, -2*R*np.sqrt(2), self.cell.max_dist + 2*R*np.sqrt(2), args=(src, dist, R, src_type)) return pot/(4.0*np.pi*sigma)
[docs] def forward_model_3D(self, src, dist, R, sigma, src_type): """FWD model functions Evaluates potential at point (x,0) by a basis source located at (0,0) Parameters ---------- x : float R : float sigma : float src_type : basis_3D.key Returns ------- pot : float value of potential at specified distance from the source """ pot, err = integrate.quad(self.int_pot_3D, -2*R*np.sqrt(2), self.cell.max_dist + 2*R*np.sqrt(2), args=(src, dist[0], dist[1], dist[2], R, src_type)) return pot/(4.0*np.pi*sigma)
[docs] def create_lookup(self): """Create two lookup tables for easy potential and CSD estimation. Because maximum source-electrode distance can be two orders of maginutude lower than maximum source-estimation table ( source-estimation table lives on the morphology loop and distance between the furthest source and segment (estimation point) can be of an order of mm), we create two separate look-up tables one for b_pot and one for b_interp_pot. In case of exact calculations (self.exact=True) the interpolation table for b_interp_pot is not created. """ assert 2*self.R < self.cell.max_dist xs = np.logspace(0., np.log10(self.dist_max+1.), self.dist_table_density) xs = xs - 1. positions = np.meshgrid(xs, xs, indexing='ij') dist_table = np.zeros_like(positions[0]) for i, pos in enumerate(positions[0]): for j, p in enumerate(pos): dist_table[i, j] = self.forward_model_1D(p, positions[1][i, j], self.R, self.sigma, self.basis) self.interpolate_pot_at = interpolate.RectBivariateSpline(xs, xs, dist_table) if not self.exact: interpolate_at_electrode = [] for ele_pos in self.ele_pos: dist_table = np.zeros_like(xs) for i, pos in enumerate(xs): dist_table[i] = self.forward_model_3D(pos, ele_pos, self.R, self.sigma, self.basis) interpolate_at_electrode.append(interpolate.interp1d(xs, dist_table, kind="cubic")) self.interpolate_at_electrode = np.array(interpolate_at_electrode)
[docs] def update_R(self, R): """Update the width of the basis fuction - Used in Cross validation Parameters ---------- R : float """ self.R = R self.dist_max = np.max(self.src_x) + self.R self.method()
[docs] def update_b_pot(self): """Updates the b_pot - array is (#_basis_sources, #_electrodes) Updates the k_pot - array is (#_electrodes, #_electrodes) K(x,x') Eq9,Jan2012 Calculates b_pot - matrix containing the values of all the potential basis functions in all the electrode positions (essential for calculating the cross_matrix). If self.exact is False, an interpolation table created by self.create_lookup() is used, otherwise the potential is calculated for every source and electrode position. """ if not self.exact: dims = (self.n_src, len(self.ele_pos)) self.b_pot = np.zeros(dims) for i in range(len(self.ele_pos)): self.b_pot[:, i] = self.interpolate_at_electrode[i](self.src_x[:,0]) else: dims = self.src_ele_dists[0].shape self.b_pot = np.zeros(dims) for i in range(dims[0]): for j in range(dims[1]): self.b_pot[i, j] = self.forward_model_3D(self.src_ele_dists[0][i,j], self.src_ele_dists[1][i,j], self.R, self.sigma, self.basis) self.k_pot =, self.b_pot) # K(x,x') Eq9,Jan2012 self.k_pot /= self.n_src
[docs] def update_b_interp_pot(self): """Compute the matrix of potentials generated by every source basis function at every position in the interpolated space. Updates b_interp_pot Updates k_interp_pot """ shape = self.src_estm_dists_pot[0].shape src = self.src_estm_dists_pot[0].reshape(shape[0]*shape[1]) est_points = self.src_estm_dists_pot[1].reshape(shape[0]*shape[1]) b_interp_pot = self.interpolate_pot_at(src, est_points, grid=False) self.b_interp_pot = b_interp_pot.reshape(shape[0], shape[1]) self.k_interp_pot =, self.b_pot) self.k_interp_pot /= self.n_src
[docs] def potential_at_the_electrodes(self): """ Reconstruction from CSD of potentials measured at the electrodes Returns ------- estimation : np.array Potential generated by the CSD measured at the electrodes """ estimation = np.zeros((self.n_ele, self.n_time)) k_inv = np.linalg.inv(self.k_pot + self.lambd * np.identity(self.k_pot.shape[0])) for t in range(self.n_time): beta =, self.pots[:, t]) for i in range(self.n_ele): estimation[:, t] += self.k_pot[:, i]*beta[i] # C*(x) Eq 18 return estimation
[docs] def values(self, estimate='CSD', transformation='3D'): '''Computes the values of the quantity of interest Parameters ---------- estimate: 'CSD' or 'POT' What quantity is to be estimated Defaults to 'CSD' transformation: '3D', 'segments', None Specify representation of the estimated quantity '3D' -- quantity is represented in cartesian coordinate system 'segments' -- quantity is represented insegments None -- quantity is represented in the morphology loop Returns ------- estimation : np.array estimated quantity ''' estimated = super(sKCSD, self).values(estimate=estimate) if transformation is None: return estimated if transformation == 'segments': return self.cell.transform_to_segments(estimated) if transformation == '3D': return self.cell.transform_to_3D(estimated, what="loop") raise Exception("Unknown transformation %s of %s" % (transformation, estimate))
[docs] def int_pot_3D(self, xp, src, x, y, z, R, basis_func): """FWD model function. Returns contribution of a point xp, belonging to a basis source support centered at src to the potential measured at (x,y,z), integrated over xp gives the potential generated by a basis source element centered at (src) at point (x, y, z) Eq 26 kCSD by Jan,2012 Parameters ---------- xp : floats or np.arrays point or set of points where function should be calculated x, y, z : float position at which potential is being measured R : float The size of the basis function basis_func : method Fuction of the basis source Returns ------- pot : float """ xp_coor = self.cell.get_xyz(self.cell.corrected_x(xp)) new_x = [x, y, z] dist = utils.calculate_distance(xp_coor, new_x) pot = basis_func(xp-src, R)/dist return pot
[docs] def int_pot_1D(self, xp, src, x, R, basis_func): """FWD model function. Returns contribution of a point xp belonging to a basis source support centered at src to the potential measured at x, integrated over xp gives the potential generated by a basis source element centered at (src) at point (x) Eq 26 kCSD by Jan,2012 Parameters ---------- xp : floats or np.arrays point or set of points where function should be calculated x : float position at which potential is being measured R : float The size of the basis function basis_func : method Fuction of the basis source Returns ------- pot : float """ xp_coor = self.cell.get_xyz(self.cell.corrected_x(xp)) x_coor = self.cell.get_xyz(self.cell.corrected_x(x)) dist = utils.calculate_distance(xp_coor, x_coor) pot = basis_func(xp-src, R)/dist return pot