Source code for kcsd.validation.ValidateKCSD

"""These are Validate KCSD classes written for the benefit of testing
true csd


import time

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import LinAlgError
from scipy.linalg import inv
from scipy.integrate import simps
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import as cm
from scipy.interpolate import griddata
from matplotlib import colors, gridspec
from kcsd import csd_profile as CSD
from kcsd import KCSD1D, KCSD2D, KCSD3D, MoIKCSD

    from joblib import Parallel, delayed
    import multiprocessing
    NUM_CORES = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1
except ImportError:

[docs] class ValidateKCSD(object): """ Base class for validation of the kCSD method """
[docs] def __init__(self, dim, **kwargs): """Initialize ValidateKCSD class. Parameters ---------- dim: int Case dimension (1, 2 or 3D). **kwargs configuration parameters, that may contain the following keys: src_type : str Basis function type ('gauss', 'step', 'gauss_lim'). Default: 'gauss'. sigma : float Space conductance of the medium. Default: 0.3. R_init : float Demanded thickness of the basis element. Default: 0.23. h : float Thickness of analyzed cylindrical slice. Default: 1. nr_basis: int Number of basis sources. Default: 300. ext_x : float Length of space extension: x_min-ext_x ... x_max+ext_x. Default: 0. est_xres: int Resolution of kcsd estimation. Default: 100. true_csd_xlims: list Boundaries for ground truth space. Default: [0., 1.]. ele_xlims: list Boundaries for electrodes placement. Default: [0., 1.]. csd_xres: int Resolution of ground truth. Default: 100. Raises ------ ValueError If dimension of estimation space differs from 1, 2 or 3. """ if dim != 1 and dim != 2 and dim != 3: raise ValueError('Wrong dimension. Choose 1, 2 or 3.') self.dim = dim self.parameters(**kwargs)
[docs] def parameters(self, **kwargs): """ Defining the default values of the method passed as kwargs. Parameters ---------- **kwargs Same as those passed to initialize the Class. Raises ------ TypeError If invalid keyword arguments inserted into **kwargs. """ self.src_type = kwargs.pop('src_type', 'gauss') self.sigma = kwargs.pop('sigma', 0.3) self.h = kwargs.pop('h', 1.) self.R_init = kwargs.pop('R_init', 0.23) self.n_src_init = kwargs.pop('n_src_init', 300) self.mask = kwargs.pop('mask', False) self.ext_x = kwargs.pop('ext_x', 0.0) self.est_xres = kwargs.pop('est_xres', 0.035) self.true_csd_xlims = kwargs.pop('true_csd_xlims', [0., 1.]) self.ele_lims = kwargs.pop('ele_lims', [0.1, 0.9]) self.kcsd_xlims = kwargs.pop('kcsd_xlims', self.true_csd_xlims) self.csd_xres = kwargs.pop('csd_xres', 100) if self.dim >= 2: self.ext_y = kwargs.pop('ext_y', 0.0) self.true_csd_ylims = kwargs.pop('true_csd_ylims', [0., 1.]) self.kcsd_ylims = kwargs.pop('kcsd_ylims', self.true_csd_ylims) self.est_yres = kwargs.pop('est_yres', 0.035) self.csd_yres = kwargs.pop('csd_yres', 100) if self.dim == 3: self.ext_z = kwargs.pop('ext_z', 0.0) self.true_csd_zlims = kwargs.pop('true_csd_zlims', [0., 1.]) self.kcsd_zlims = kwargs.pop('kcsd_zlims', self.true_csd_zlims) self.est_zres = kwargs.pop('est_zres', 0.035) self.csd_zres = kwargs.pop('csd_zres', 100) if kwargs: raise TypeError('Invalid keyword arguments:', kwargs.keys())
[docs] def generate_csd(self, csd_profile, csd_seed=5, csd_at=None): """ Gives CSD profile at the requested spatial location, at 'res' resolution. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function Function to produce csd profile. csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. Default: 5. csd_at: numpy array Where to generate CSD. Default: None. Returns ------- csd_at: numpy array Positions (coordinates) at which CSD is generated. true_csd: numpy array CSD at csd_at positions. """ if self.dim == 1: if csd_at is None: csd_at = np.linspace(self.true_csd_xlims[0], self.true_csd_xlims[1], self.csd_xres) true_csd = csd_profile(csd_at, csd_seed) elif self.dim == 2: if csd_at is None: csd_at = np.mgrid[self.true_csd_xlims[0]: self.true_csd_xlims[1]: complex(0, self.csd_xres), self.true_csd_ylims[0]: self.true_csd_ylims[1]: complex(0, self.csd_yres)] true_csd = csd_profile(csd_at, csd_seed) else: if csd_at is None: csd_at = np.mgrid[self.true_csd_xlims[0]: self.true_csd_xlims[1]: complex(0, self.csd_xres), self.true_csd_ylims[0]: self.true_csd_ylims[1]: complex(0, self.csd_yres), self.true_csd_zlims[0]: self.true_csd_zlims[1]: complex(0, self.csd_zres)] true_csd = csd_profile(csd_at, csd_seed) return csd_at, true_csd
[docs] def broken_electrodes(self, total_ele, ele_grid, n, ele_seed=10): """ Produces electrodes positions for setup with n (pseudo) randomly (ele_seed) removed electrodes. Parameters ---------- total_ele: int Number of electrodes. ele_grid: numpy array Positions of electrodes for the complete setup. n: int Number of broken/missing electrodes. ele_seed: int Internal state of the random number generator. Default: 10. Returns ------- ele_pos: numpy array Electrodes positions. Raises ------ ValueError If number of broken electrodes is bigger or equal to the total number of electrodes or is negative. """ if n >= total_ele: raise ValueError('Number of broken electrodes bigger than total' 'number of electrodes. Choose smaller number.') elif n > 0 and n < total_ele: random_indices = np.arange(0, ele_grid.shape[0]) np.random.seed(ele_seed) np.random.shuffle(random_indices) ele_pos = ele_grid[random_indices[:total_ele - n]] elif n == 0: ele_pos = ele_grid else: raise ValueError('Number of broken electrodes cannot be negative.' 'Choose number from range [1, ' + str(total_ele - 1) + ']') return ele_pos
[docs] def generate_electrodes(self, total_ele, ele_lims=None, nr_broken_ele=None, ele_seed=10): """ Places electrodes linearly. Parameters ---------- total_ele: int Number of electrodes. ele_lims: list Electrodes limits. Default: None. nr_broken_ele: int, optional Determines how many electrodes are broken. Default: None. ele_seed: int Internal state of the random number generator. Default: 10. Returns ------- ele_pos: numpy array Linearly placed electrodes positions. """ if self.dim == 1: if ele_lims is None: ele_pos = np.linspace(self.ele_lims[0], self.ele_lims[1], total_ele) else: ele_pos = np.linspace(ele_lims[0], ele_lims[1], total_ele) ele_pos = ele_pos.reshape((len(ele_pos), 1)) elif self.dim == 2: if ele_lims is None: ele_x, ele_y = np.mgrid[self.ele_lims[0]:self.ele_lims[1]: complex(0, int(np.sqrt(total_ele))), self.ele_lims[0]:self.ele_lims[1]: complex(0, int(np.sqrt(total_ele)))] else: ele_x, ele_y = np.mgrid[ele_lims[0]:ele_lims[1]: complex(0, int(np.sqrt(total_ele))), ele_lims[0]:ele_lims[1]: complex(0, int(np.sqrt(total_ele)))] ele_pos = np.vstack((ele_x.flatten(), ele_y.flatten())).T elif self.dim == 3: if ele_lims is None: ele_x, ele_y, ele_z = np.mgrid[ self.ele_lims[0]:self.ele_lims[1]: complex(0, int(round((total_ele)**(1./3), 1))), self.ele_lims[0]:self.ele_lims[1]: complex(0, int(round((total_ele)**(1./3), 1))), self.ele_lims[0]:self.ele_lims[1]: complex(0, int(round((total_ele)**(1./3), 1)))] else: ele_x, ele_y, ele_z = np.mgrid[ ele_lims[0]:ele_lims[1]: complex(0, int(round((total_ele)**(1./3), 1))), ele_lims[0]:ele_lims[1]: complex(0, int(round((total_ele)**(1./3), 1))), ele_lims[0]:ele_lims[1]: complex(0, int(round((total_ele)**(1./3), 1)))] ele_pos = np.vstack((ele_x.flatten(), ele_y.flatten(), ele_z.flatten())).T if nr_broken_ele is not None: ele_pos = self.broken_electrodes(total_ele, ele_pos, nr_broken_ele, ele_seed) return ele_pos
[docs] def electrode_config(self, csd_profile, csd_seed, total_ele, ele_lims, h, sigma, noise=0., nr_broken_ele=None, ele_seed=10): """ Produces electrodes positions and calculates potentials measured at these points. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function Function to produce ground truth csd profile. csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. Default: 5. total_ele: int Number of electrodes. ele_lims: list Electrodes limits. Default: None. h: float Thickness of analyzed cylindrical slice. sigma: float Space conductance of the medium. noise: float Determines the level of noise in the data. Default: 0. nr_broken_ele: int, optional Determines how many electrodes are broken. Default: None. ele_seed: int Internal state of the random number generator. Default: 10. Returns ------- ele_pos: numpy array Electrodes locations in 1D, 2D or 3D. pots: numpy array Potentials measured (calculated) on electrodes. """ csd_at, true_csd = self.generate_csd(csd_profile, csd_seed) ele_pos = self.generate_electrodes(total_ele, ele_lims, nr_broken_ele, ele_seed) pots = self.calculate_potential(true_csd, csd_at, ele_pos, h, sigma) num_ele = ele_pos.shape[0] print('Number of electrodes:', num_ele) if noise is not None: pots = self.add_noise(pots, csd_seed, level=noise) return ele_pos, pots.reshape((len(ele_pos), 1))
[docs] def calculate_potential(self, true_csd, csd_at, ele_pos, h, sigma): """ Calculates potentials at electrodes' positions. Parameters ---------- true_csd: numpy array Values of generated CSD. csd_at: numpy array Positions (coordinates) at which CSD is generated. ele_pos: numpy array Locations of electrodes. h: float Thickness of analyzed cylindrical slice. sigma: float Space conductance of the medium. Returns ------- pots: numpy array Normalized values of potentials as in eq.:26 Potworowski(2012). """ if self.dim == 1: pots = np.zeros(len(ele_pos)) for index in range(len(ele_pos)): pots[index] = self.integrate(csd_at, true_csd, ele_pos[index], h) # eq.: 26 from Potworowski (2012) pots *= 1 / (2. * sigma) elif self.dim == 2: xlin = csd_at[0, :, 0] ylin = csd_at[1, 0, :] pots = np.zeros(ele_pos.shape[0]) for ii in range(ele_pos.shape[0]): pots[ii] = self.integrate(csd_at, true_csd, [ele_pos[ii][0], ele_pos[ii][1]], h, [xlin, ylin]) pots /= 2 * np.pi * sigma else: if PARALLEL_AVAILABLE: pots = self.calculate_potential_parallel(true_csd, csd_at, ele_pos, h) else: xlin = csd_at[0, :, 0, 0] ylin = csd_at[1, 0, :, 0] zlin = csd_at[2, 0, 0, :] pots = np.zeros(ele_pos.shape[0]) for ii in range(ele_pos.shape[0]): pots[ii] = self.integrate(csd_at, true_csd, [ele_pos[ii][0], ele_pos[ii][1], ele_pos[ii][2]], h, [xlin, ylin, zlin]) pots /= 4*np.pi*sigma return pots
[docs] def calculate_potential_parallel(self, true_csd, csd_at, ele_pos, h): """ Computes the LFP generated by true_csd (ground truth) using parallel computing. Parameters ---------- true_csd: numpy array Values of ground truth data (true_csd). csd_at: numpy array Coordinates of ground truth data. ele_pos: numpy array Locations of electrodes. h: float Thickness of analyzed cylindrical slice. Returns ------- pots: numpy array Calculated potentials. """ xlin = csd_at[0, :, 0, 0] ylin = csd_at[1, 0, :, 0] zlin = csd_at[2, 0, 0, :] pots = Parallel(n_jobs=NUM_CORES)(delayed(self.integrate) (csd_at, true_csd, [ele_pos[ii][0], ele_pos[ii][1], ele_pos[ii][2]], h, [xlin, ylin, zlin]) for ii in range(ele_pos.shape[0])) pots = np.array(pots) return pots
[docs] def integrate(self, csd_at, true_csd, ele_loc, h, csd_lims=None): """ Calculates integrals (potential values) according to Simpson's rule in 1D space. Parameters ---------- csd_at: numpy array Positions (coordinates) at which CSD is generated. true_csd: numpy array Values of csd (ground truth) at csd_at positions. ele_loc: float (1D) or list (2D and 3D) Single electrode location/position. h: float Thickness of analyzed cylindrical slice. csd_lims: list Limits of true source space Returns ------- Integral: float Calculated potential at x0 position. """ if self.dim == 1: m = np.sqrt((csd_at - ele_loc)**2 + h**2) - abs(csd_at - ele_loc) y = true_csd * m Integral = simps(y, x=csd_at) elif self.dim == 2: csd_x = csd_at[0] csd_y = csd_at[1] xlin = csd_lims[0] ylin = csd_lims[1] Ny = ylin.shape[0] m = np.sqrt((ele_loc[0] - csd_x)**2 + (ele_loc[1] - csd_y)**2) # construct 2-D integrand m[m < 0.0000001] = 0.0000001 # I increased acuracy y = np.arcsinh(2 * h / m) * true_csd # corrected integral_1D = np.zeros(Ny) # do a 1-D integral over every row for i in range(Ny): integral_1D[i] = simps(y[:, i], ylin) # I changed the integral Integral = simps(integral_1D, xlin) # then an integral over the result else: Nz = csd_lims[2].shape[0] Ny = csd_lims[1].shape[0] m = np.sqrt((ele_loc[0] - csd_at[0])**2 + (ele_loc[1] - csd_at[1])**2 + (ele_loc[2] - csd_at[2])**2) m[m < 0.0000001] = 0.0000001 z = true_csd / m Iy = np.zeros(Ny) for j in range(Ny): Iz = np.zeros(Nz) for i in range(Nz): Iz[i] = simps(z[:, j, i], csd_lims[2]) Iy[j] = simps(Iz, csd_lims[1]) Integral = simps(Iy, csd_lims[0]) return Integral
[docs] def calculate_rms(self, true_csd, est_csd): """ Calculates normalized error of reconstruction. Parameters ---------- true_csd: numpy array Values of true CSD at points of kCSD estimation. est_csd: numpy array CSD estimated with kCSD method. Returns ------- rms: float Normalized error of reconstruction. """ rms = np.linalg.norm((true_csd - est_csd))/(np.linalg.norm(true_csd)) return rms
[docs] def calculate_point_error(self, true_csd, est_csd): """ Calculates normalized error of reconstruction at every point of estimation space separetly. Parameters ---------- true_csd: numpy array Values of true csd at points of kCSD estimation. est_csd: numpy array CSD estimated with kCSD method. Returns ------- point_error: numpy array Normalized error of reconstruction calculated separetly at every point of estimation space. """ true_csd_r = true_csd.reshape(true_csd.size, 1) est_csd_r = est_csd.reshape(est_csd.size, 1) epsilon = np.linalg.norm(true_csd_r)/np.max(abs(true_csd_r)) err_r = abs(est_csd_r/(np.linalg.norm(est_csd_r)) - true_csd_r/(np.linalg.norm(true_csd_r))) err_r *= epsilon point_error = err_r.reshape(true_csd.shape) return point_error
[docs] def calculate_rdm(self, true_csd, est_csd): """ Calculates relative difference measure between reconstructed source and ground truth. Parameters ---------- true_csd: numpy array Values of true CSD at points of kCSD estimation. est_csd: numpy array CSD estimated with kCSD method. Returns ------- rdm: float Relative difference measure. """ epsilon = np.finfo(np.float64).eps rdm = np.linalg.norm(est_csd/(np.linalg.norm(est_csd) + epsilon) - true_csd/(np.linalg.norm(true_csd) + epsilon)) return rdm
[docs] def calculate_mag(self, true_csd, est_csd): """ Calculates magnitude ratio between reconstructed source and ground truth. Parameters ---------- test_csd: numpy array Values of true CSD at points of kCSD estimation. est_csd: numpy array CSD estimated with kCSD method. Returns ------- mag: float Magnitude ratio. """ epsilon = np.finfo(np.float64).eps mag = np.linalg.norm(est_csd/(true_csd + epsilon)) return mag
[docs] def sigmoid_mean(self, error): ''' Calculates sigmoidal mean across errors of reconstruction for many different sources - used for error maps. Parameters ---------- error: numpy array Normalized point error of reconstruction. Returns ------- error_mean: numpy array Sigmoidal mean error of reconstruction. error_mean -> 1 - very poor reconstruction error_mean -> 0 - perfect reconstruction ''' sig_error = 2*(1./(1 + np.exp((-error))) - 1/2.) error_mean = np.mean(sig_error, axis=0) return error_mean
[docs] def add_noise(self, pots, seed=0, level=10): """ Adds Gaussian noise to potentials. Parameters ---------- pots: numpy array Potentials at measurement points. seed: int Random seed generator. Default: 0. level: float, optional Noise level in percentage. Default: 10. Returns ------- pots_noise: numpy array Potentials with added random Gaussian noise. """ rstate = np.random.RandomState(seed) noise = 0.01*level*rstate.normal(np.mean(pots), np.std(pots), len(pots)) pots_noise = pots + noise return pots_noise
[docs] def grid(self, x, y, z, resX=100, resY=100): """ Convert 3 column data to matplotlib grid Parameters ---------- x y z Returns ------- xi yi zi """ x = x.flatten() y = y.flatten() z = z.flatten() xi, yi = np.mgrid[min(x):max(x):complex(0, resX), min(y):max(y):complex(0, resY)] zi = griddata((x, y), z, (xi, yi), method='linear') return xi, yi, zi
[docs] class ValidateKCSD1D(ValidateKCSD): """ ValidateKCSD1D - The 1D variant of validation tests for kCSD method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, csd_seed, **kwargs): """ Initialize ValidateKCSD1D class. Parameters ---------- csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. **kwargs Configuration parameters. Returns ------- None """ super(ValidateKCSD1D, self).__init__(dim=1, **kwargs) self.csd_seed = csd_seed
[docs] def do_kcsd(self, pots, ele_pos, method='cross-validation', Rs=None, lambdas=None): """ Calls KCSD1D class to reconstruct current source density. Parameters ---------- pots: numpy array Values of potentials at ele_pos. ele_pos: numpy array Electrodes positions. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. Returns ------- kcsd: instance of the class Instance of class KCSD1D. est_csd: numpy array Estimated csd (with kCSD method). """ pots = pots.reshape((len(ele_pos), 1)) k = KCSD1D(ele_pos, pots, src_type=self.src_type, sigma=self.sigma, h=self.h, n_src_init=self.n_src_init, ext_x=self.ext_x, gdx=self.est_xres, xmin=np.min(self.kcsd_xlims), xmax=np.max(self.kcsd_xlims)) if method == 'cross-validation': k.cross_validate(Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) elif method == 'L-curve': k.L_curve(Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) else: raise ValueError('Invalid value of reconstruction method,' 'pass either cross-validation or L-curve') est_csd = k.values('CSD') return k, est_csd
[docs] def make_reconstruction(self, csd_profile, csd_seed, total_ele, ele_lims=None, noise=0, nr_broken_ele=None, Rs=None, lambdas=None, method='cross-validation'): """ Main method, makes the whole kCSD reconstruction. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function Function to produce csd profile. csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. total_ele: int Number of electrodes. ele_lims: list Electrodes limits. Default: None. noise: float Determines the level of noise in the data. Default: 0. nr_broken_ele: int How many electrodes are broken (excluded from analysis) Default: None. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Returns ------- kcsd: instance of the class Instance of class KCSD1D. rms: float Error of reconstruction. point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. """ csd_at, true_csd = self.generate_csd(csd_profile, csd_seed) ele_pos, pots = self.electrode_config(csd_profile, csd_seed, total_ele, ele_lims, self.h, self.sigma, noise=noise, nr_broken_ele=nr_broken_ele) k, est_csd = self.do_kcsd(pots, ele_pos, method=method, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) test_csd = csd_profile(k.estm_x, self.csd_seed) rms = self.calculate_rms(test_csd, est_csd[:, 0]) title = "Lambda: %0.2E; R: %0.2f; RMS_Error: %0.2E;" % (k.lambd, k.R, rms) # self.make_plot(csd_at, true_csd, k, est_csd, ele_pos, pots, title) point_error = self.calculate_point_error(test_csd, est_csd[:, 0]) return k, rms, point_error
[docs] def make_plot(self, csd_at, true_csd, kcsd, est_csd, ele_pos, pots, fig_title): """ Creates plots of ground truth, measured potentials and recontruction Parameters ---------- csd_at: numpy array Coordinates of ground truth (true_csd). true_csd: numpy array Values of generated CSD. kcsd: object of the class est_csd: numpy array Reconstructed csd. ele_pos: numpy array Positions of electrodes. pots: numpy array Potentials measured on electrodes. fig_title: string Title of the plot. """ # CSDs fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 10)) ax1 = plt.subplot(211) ax1.plot(csd_at, true_csd, 'g', label='TrueCSD') ax1.plot(kcsd.estm_x, est_csd[:, 0], 'r--', label='kCSD') ax1.plot(ele_pos, np.zeros(len(pots)), 'ko') ax1.set_xlim(csd_at[0], csd_at[-1]) ax1.set_xlabel('Depth [mm]') ax1.set_ylabel('CSD [mA/mm]') ax1.set_title('A) Currents') ax1.legend() # Potentials ax2 = plt.subplot(212) ax2.plot(ele_pos, pots, 'b.', label='TruePots') ax2.plot(kcsd.estm_x, kcsd.values('POT'), 'y--', label='EstPots') ax2.set_xlim(csd_at[0], csd_at[-1]) ax2.set_xlabel('Depth [mm]') ax2.set_ylabel('Potential [mV]') ax2.set_title('B) Potentials') ax2.legend() fig.suptitle(fig_title) return fig
[docs] class ValidateKCSD2D(ValidateKCSD): """ ValidateKCSD2D - The 2D variant of validation tests for kCSD method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, csd_seed, **kwargs): """ Initialize ValidateKCSD2D class. Parameters ---------- csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. **kwargs Configuration parameters. """ super(ValidateKCSD2D, self).__init__(dim=2, **kwargs) self.csd_seed = csd_seed
[docs] def do_kcsd(self, pots, ele_pos, method='cross-validation', Rs=None, lambdas=None): """ Calls KCSD2D class to reconstruct current source density. Parameters ---------- pots: numpy array Values of potentials at ele_pos. ele_pos: numpy array Electrodes positions. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. Returns ------- k: instance of the class Instance of class KCSD1D. est_csd: numpy array Estimated csd (with kCSD method). """ pots = pots.reshape((len(ele_pos), 1)) k = KCSD2D(ele_pos, pots, h=self.h, sigma=self.sigma, xmin=np.min(self.kcsd_xlims), xmax=np.max(self.kcsd_xlims), ymin=np.min(self.kcsd_ylims), ymax=np.max(self.kcsd_ylims), n_src_init=self.n_src_init, src_type=self.src_type, ext_x=self.ext_x, ext_y=self.ext_y, gdx=self.est_xres, gdy=self.est_yres) if method == 'cross-validation': k.cross_validate(Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) elif method == 'L-curve': k.L_curve(Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) else: raise ValueError('Invalid value of reconstruction method,' 'pass either cross-validation or L-curve') est_csd = k.values('CSD') return k, est_csd
[docs] def make_reconstruction(self, csd_profile, csd_seed, total_ele, ele_lims=None, noise=0, nr_broken_ele=None, Rs=None, lambdas=None, method='cross-validation'): """ Main method, makes the whole kCSD reconstruction. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function Function to produce csd profile. csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. total_ele: int Number of electrodes. ele_lims: list Electrodes limits. Default: None. noise: float Determines the level of noise in the data. Default: 0. nr_broken_ele: int How many electrodes are broken (excluded from analysis) Default: None. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Returns ------- k: instance of the class Instance of class KCSD1D. rms: float Error of reconstruction. point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. """ csd_at, true_csd = self.generate_csd(csd_profile, csd_seed) ele_pos, pots = self.electrode_config(csd_profile, csd_seed, total_ele, ele_lims, self.h, self.sigma, noise, nr_broken_ele) k, est_csd = self.do_kcsd(pots, ele_pos, method=method, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) test_csd = csd_profile([k.estm_x, k.estm_y], self.csd_seed) rms = self.calculate_rms(test_csd, est_csd[:, :, 0]) title = "Lambda: %0.2E; R: %0.2f; RMS: %0.2E; CV_Error: %0.2E; "\ % (k.lambd, k.R, rms, k.cv_error) self.make_plot(csd_at, true_csd, test_csd, k, est_csd, ele_pos, pots, title) SpectralStructure(k) point_error = self.calculate_point_error(test_csd, est_csd[:, :, 0]) return k, rms, point_error
[docs] def make_plot(self, csd_at, true_csd, test_csd, kcsd, est_csd, ele_pos, pots, fig_title): """ Creates plot of ground truth data, calculated potentials and reconstruction Parameters ---------- csd_at: numpy array Coordinates of ground truth (true_csd). true_csd: numpy array Values of generated CSD. kcsd: object of the class est_csd: numpy array Reconstructed csd. ele_pos: numpy array Positions of electrodes. pots: numpy array Potentials measured on electrodes. fig_title: string Title of the plot. """ csd_x = csd_at[0] csd_y = csd_at[1] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7)) # fig.suptitle(fig_title) ax1 = plt.subplot(141, aspect='equal') t_max = np.max(np.abs(true_csd)) levels = np.linspace(-1 * t_max, t_max, 16) im1 = ax1.contourf(csd_x, csd_y, true_csd, levels=levels, cmap=cm.bwr) ax1.set_xlabel('x [mm]') ax1.set_ylabel('y [mm]') ax1.set_title('A) True CSD') ticks = np.linspace(-1 * t_max, t_max, 7, endpoint=True) plt.colorbar(im1, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f', ticks=ticks) ax2 = plt.subplot(143, aspect='equal') levels2 = np.linspace(0, 1, 10) t_max = np.max(np.abs(est_csd[:, :, 0])) levels_kcsd = np.linspace(-1 * t_max, t_max, 16, endpoint=True) im2 = ax2.contourf(kcsd.estm_x, kcsd.estm_y, est_csd[:, :, 0], levels=levels_kcsd, alpha=1, cmap=cm.bwr) if self.mask is not False: ax2.contourf(kcsd.estm_x, kcsd.estm_y, self.mask, levels=levels2, alpha=0.3, cmap='Greys') ax2.set_title('C) kCSD with error mask') else: ax2.set_title('C) kCSD') ax2.set_ylabel('y [mm]') ax2.set_xlim([0., 1.]) ax2.set_ylim([0., 1.]) ticks = np.linspace(-1 * t_max, t_max, 7, endpoint=True) plt.colorbar(im2, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f', ticks=ticks) ax3 = plt.subplot(142, aspect='equal') v_max = np.max(np.abs(pots)) levels_pot = np.linspace(-1 * v_max, v_max, 32) X, Y, Z = self.grid(ele_pos[:, 0], ele_pos[:, 1], pots) im3 = plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, levels=levels_pot, cmap=cm.PRGn) plt.scatter(ele_pos[:, 0], ele_pos[:, 1], 10, c='k') ax3.set_xlim([0., 1.]) ax3.set_ylim([0., 1.]) ax3.set_title('B) Pots, Ele_pos') ticks = np.linspace(-1 * v_max, v_max, 7, endpoint=True) plt.colorbar(im3, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f', ticks=ticks) ax4 = plt.subplot(144, aspect='equal') difference = abs(test_csd-est_csd[:, :, 0]) cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["white", "darkorange"]) im4 = ax4.contourf(kcsd.estm_x, kcsd.estm_y, difference, cmap=cmap, levels=np.linspace(0, np.max(difference), 15)) if self.mask is not False: ax4.contourf(kcsd.estm_x, kcsd.estm_y, self.mask, levels=levels2, alpha=0.3, cmap='Greys') ax4.set_xlim([0., 1.]) ax4.set_ylim([0., 1.]) ax4.set_xlabel('x [mm]') ax4.set_title('D) |True CSD - kCSD|') v = np.linspace(0, np.max(difference), 7, endpoint=True) plt.colorbar(im4, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f', ticks=v)
class ValidateMoIKCSD(ValidateKCSD): """ ValidateMoIKCSD - The 2D variant of validation class for kCSD method (CSD while including the forward modeling effects of saline). """ def __init__(self, csd_seed, **kwargs): """ Initialize ValidateMoIKCSD class Parameters ---------- csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. **kwargs Configuration parameters. """ super(ValidateMoIKCSD, self).__init__(dim=2, **kwargs) self.csd_seed = csd_seed def do_kcsd(self, pots, ele_pos, method='cross-validation', Rs=None, lambdas=None): """ Calls MoIKCSD class to reconstruct current source density. Parameters ---------- pots: numpy array Values of potentials at ele_pos. ele_pos: numpy array Electrodes positions. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. Returns ------- k: instance of the class Instance of class KCSD1D. est_csd: numpy array Estimated csd (with kCSD method). """ pots = pots.reshape((len(ele_pos), 1)) k = MoIKCSD(ele_pos, pots, h=self.h, sigma=self.sigma, xmin=np.min(self.kcsd_xlims), xmax=np.max(self.kcsd_xlims), ymin=np.min(self.kcsd_ylims), ymax=np.max(self.kcsd_ylims), n_src_init=self.n_src_init, src_type=self.src_type, ext_x=self.ext_x, ext_y=self.ext_y, gdx=self.est_xres, gdy=self.est_yres) if method == 'cross-validation': k.cross_validate(Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) elif method == 'L-curve': k.L_curve(Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) else: raise ValueError('Invalid value of reconstruction method,' 'pass either cross-validation or L-curve') est_csd = k.values('CSD') return k, est_csd def make_reconstruction(self, csd_profile, csd_seed, total_ele, ele_lims=None, noise=0, nr_broken_ele=None, Rs=None, lambdas=None, method='cross-validation'): """ Main method, makes the whole kCSD reconstruction. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function Function to produce csd profile. csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. total_ele: int Number of electrodes. ele_lims: list Electrodes limits. Default: None. noise: float Determines the level of noise in the data. Default: 0. nr_broken_ele: int How many electrodes are broken (excluded from analysis) Default: None. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Returns ------- k: instance of the class Instance of class KCSD1D. rms: float Error of reconstruction. point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. """ csd_at, true_csd = self.generate_csd(csd_profile, csd_seed) ele_pos, pots = self.electrode_config(csd_profile, csd_seed, total_ele, ele_lims, self.h, self.sigma, noise, nr_broken_ele) k, est_csd = self.do_kcsd(pots, ele_pos, method=method, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) test_csd = csd_profile([k.estm_x, k.estm_y], csd_seed) rms = self.calculate_rms(test_csd, est_csd[:, :, 0]) title = "Lambda: %0.2E; R: %0.2f; RMS: %0.2E; CV_Error: %0.2E; "\ % (k.lambd, k.R, rms, k.cv_error) self.make_plot(csd_at, true_csd, test_csd, k, est_csd, ele_pos, pots, title) SpectralStructure(k) point_error = self.calculate_point_error(test_csd, est_csd[:, :, 0]) return k, rms, point_error def make_plot(self, csd_at, true_csd, test_csd, kcsd, est_csd, ele_pos, pots, fig_title): """ Creates plot of ground truth data, calculated potentials and reconstruction Parameters ---------- csd_at: numpy array Coordinates of ground truth (true_csd). true_csd: numpy array Values of generated CSD. kcsd: object of the class est_csd: numpy array Reconstructed csd. ele_pos: numpy array Positions of electrodes. pots: numpy array Potentials measured on electrodes. fig_title: string Title of the plot. """ csd_x = csd_at[0] csd_y = csd_at[1] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 7)) # fig.suptitle(fig_title) ax1 = plt.subplot(141, aspect='equal') t_max = np.max(np.abs(true_csd)) levels = np.linspace(-1 * t_max, t_max, 16) im1 = ax1.contourf(csd_x, csd_y, true_csd, levels=levels, cmap=cm.bwr) ax1.set_xlabel('x [mm]') ax1.set_ylabel('y [mm]') ax1.set_title('A) True CSD') ticks = np.linspace(-1 * t_max, t_max, 7, endpoint=True) plt.colorbar(im1, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f', ticks=ticks) ax2 = plt.subplot(143, aspect='equal') levels2 = np.linspace(0, 1, 10) t_max = np.max(np.abs(est_csd[:, :, 0])) levels_kcsd = np.linspace(-1 * t_max, t_max, 16, endpoint=True) im2 = ax2.contourf(kcsd.estm_x, kcsd.estm_y, est_csd[:, :, 0], levels=levels_kcsd, alpha=1, cmap=cm.bwr) if self.mask is not False: ax2.contourf(kcsd.estm_x, kcsd.estm_y, self.mask, levels=levels2, alpha=0.3, cmap='Greys') ax2.set_title('C) kCSD with error mask') else: ax2.set_title('C) kCSD') ax2.set_ylabel('y [mm]') ax2.set_xlim([0., 1.]) ax2.set_ylim([0., 1.]) ticks = np.linspace(-1 * t_max, t_max, 7, endpoint=True) plt.colorbar(im2, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f', ticks=ticks) ax3 = plt.subplot(142, aspect='equal') v_max = np.max(np.abs(pots)) levels_pot = np.linspace(-1 * v_max, v_max, 32) X, Y, Z = self.grid(ele_pos[:, 0], ele_pos[:, 1], pots) im3 = plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, levels=levels_pot, cmap=cm.PRGn) plt.scatter(ele_pos[:, 0], ele_pos[:, 1], 10, c='k') ax3.set_xlim([0., 1.]) ax3.set_ylim([0., 1.]) ax3.set_title('B) Pots, Ele_pos') ticks = np.linspace(-1 * v_max, v_max, 7, endpoint=True) plt.colorbar(im3, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f', ticks=ticks) ax4 = plt.subplot(144, aspect='equal') difference = abs(test_csd-est_csd[:, :, 0]) cmap = colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("", ["white", "darkorange"]) im4 = ax4.contourf(kcsd.estm_x, kcsd.estm_y, difference, cmap=cmap, levels=np.linspace(0, np.max(difference), 15)) if self.mask is not False: ax4.contourf(kcsd.estm_x, kcsd.estm_y, self.mask, levels=levels2, alpha=0.3, cmap='Greys') ax4.set_xlim([0., 1.]) ax4.set_ylim([0., 1.]) ax4.set_xlabel('x [mm]') ax4.set_title('D) |True CSD - kCSD|') v = np.linspace(0, np.max(difference), 7, endpoint=True) plt.colorbar(im4, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f', ticks=v)
[docs] class ValidateKCSD3D(ValidateKCSD): """ ValidateKCSD3D - The 3D variant of validation class for kCSD method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, csd_seed, **kwargs): """ Initialize ValidateKCSD3D class Parameters ---------- csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. **kwargs Configuration parameters. """ super(ValidateKCSD3D, self).__init__(dim=3, **kwargs) self.csd_seed = csd_seed
[docs] def do_kcsd(self, pots, ele_pos, method='cross-validation', Rs=None, lambdas=None): """ Calls KCSD3D class to reconstruct current source density. Parameters ---------- pots: numpy array Values of potentials at ele_pos. ele_pos: numpy array Electrodes positions. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. Returns ------- k: instance of the class Instance of class KCSD1D. est_csd: numpy array Estimated csd (with kCSD method). """ pots = pots.reshape((len(ele_pos), 1)) k = KCSD3D(ele_pos, pots, h=self.h, sigma=self.sigma, xmin=np.min(self.kcsd_xlims), xmax=np.max(self.kcsd_xlims), ymin=np.min(self.kcsd_ylims), ymax=np.max(self.kcsd_ylims), zmin=np.min(self.kcsd_zlims), zmax=np.max(self.kcsd_zlims), n_src_init=self.n_src_init, src_type=self.src_type, ext_x=self.ext_x, ext_y=self.ext_y, ext_z=self.ext_z, gdx=self.est_xres, gdy=self.est_yres, gdz=self.est_zres) if method == 'cross-validation': k.cross_validate(Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) elif method == 'L-curve': k.L_curve(Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) else: raise ValueError('Invalid value of reconstruction method,' 'pass either cross-validation or L-curve') est_csd = k.values('CSD') return k, est_csd
[docs] def make_reconstruction(self, csd_profile, csd_seed, total_ele, ele_lims=None, noise=0, nr_broken_ele=None, Rs=None, lambdas=None, method='cross-validation'): """ Main method, makes the whole kCSD reconstruction. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function Function to produce csd profile. csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. total_ele: int Number of electrodes. ele_lims: list Electrodes limits. Default: None. noise: float Determines the level of noise in the data. Default: 0. nr_broken_ele: int How many electrodes are broken (excluded from analysis) Default: None. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Returns ------- k: instance of the class Instance of class KCSD1D. rms: float Error of reconstruction. point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. """ csd_at, true_csd = self.generate_csd(csd_profile, csd_seed) ele_pos, pots = self.electrode_config(csd_profile, csd_seed, total_ele, ele_lims, self.h, self.sigma, noise, nr_broken_ele) tic = time.time() k, est_csd = self.do_kcsd(pots, ele_pos, method=method, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) # ss = SpectralStructure(k) # ss.picard_plot(pots) toc = time.time() - tic test_csd = csd_profile([k.estm_x, k.estm_y, k.estm_z], csd_seed) rms = self.calculate_rms(test_csd, est_csd[:, :, :, 0]) point_error = self.calculate_point_error(test_csd, est_csd[:, :, :, 0]) title = "Lambda: %0.2E; R: %0.2f; RMS: %0.2E; CV_Error: %0.2E; "\ "Time: %0.2f" % (k.lambd, k.R, rms, k.cv_error, toc) self.make_plot(csd_at, test_csd, k, est_csd, ele_pos, pots, title) return k, rms, point_error
[docs] def make_plot(self, csd_at, true_csd, kcsd, est_csd, ele_pos, pots, fig_title): """ Creates plot of ground truth data, calculated potentials and reconstruction. Parameters ---------- csd_at: numpy array Coordinates of ground truth (true_csd). true_csd: numpy array Values of generated CSD. kcsd: object of the class est_csd: numpy array Reconstructed csd. ele_pos: numpy array Positions of electrodes. pots: numpy array Potentials measured on electrodes. fig_title: string Title of the plot. """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 16)) z_steps = 5 height_ratios = [1 for i in range(z_steps)] height_ratios.append(0.1) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(z_steps+1, 3, height_ratios=height_ratios) t_max = np.max(np.abs(true_csd)) levels = np.linspace(-1*t_max, t_max, 16) ind_interest = np.mgrid[0:kcsd.estm_z.shape[2]:complex(0, z_steps+2)] ind_interest = np.array(ind_interest, dtype=int)[1:-1] for ii, idx in enumerate(ind_interest): ax = plt.subplot(gs[ii, 0]) im = plt.contourf(kcsd.estm_x[:, :, idx], kcsd.estm_y[:, :, idx], true_csd[:, :, idx], levels=levels, cmap=cm.bwr_r) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) title = str(kcsd.estm_z[:, :, idx][0][0])[:4] ax.set_title(label=title, fontdict={'x': 0.8, 'y': 0.8}) ax.set_aspect('equal') cax = plt.subplot(gs[z_steps, 0]) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f') cbar.set_ticks(levels[::3]) cbar.set_ticklabels(np.around(levels[::3], decimals=2)) # Potentials v_max = np.max(np.abs(pots)) levels_pot = np.linspace(-1*v_max, v_max, 16) ele_res = int(np.ceil(len(pots)**(3**-1))) ele_x = ele_pos[:, 0].reshape(ele_res, ele_res, ele_res) ele_y = ele_pos[:, 1].reshape(ele_res, ele_res, ele_res) ele_z = ele_pos[:, 2].reshape(ele_res, ele_res, ele_res) pots = pots.reshape(ele_res, ele_res, ele_res) for idx in range(min(5, ele_res)): X, Y, Z = self.grid(ele_x[:, :, idx], ele_y[:, :, idx], pots[:, :, idx]) ax = plt.subplot(gs[idx, 1]) im = plt.contourf(X, Y, Z, levels=levels_pot, cmap=cm.PRGn) plt.scatter(ele_x[:, :, idx], ele_y[:, :, idx], 5, c='k') ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) title = str(ele_z[:, :, idx][0][0])[:4] ax.set_title(label=title, fontdict={'x': 0.8, 'y': 0.8}) ax.set_aspect('equal') ax.set_xlim([0., 1.]) ax.set_ylim([0., 1.]) cax = plt.subplot(gs[z_steps, 1]) cbar2 = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f') cbar2.set_ticks(levels_pot[::3]) cbar2.set_ticklabels(np.around(levels_pot[::3], decimals=2)) # KCSD # t_max = np.max(np.abs(est_csd[:, :, :, 0])) # levels = np.linspace(-1*t_max, t_max, 16) ind_interest = np.mgrid[0:kcsd.estm_z.shape[2]:complex(0, z_steps+2)] ind_interest = np.array(ind_interest, dtype=int)[1:-1] for ii, idx in enumerate(ind_interest): ax = plt.subplot(gs[ii, 2]) im = plt.contourf(kcsd.estm_x[:, :, idx], kcsd.estm_y[:, :, idx], est_csd[:, :, idx, 0], levels=levels, cmap=cm.bwr_r) ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) title = str(kcsd.estm_z[:, :, idx][0][0])[:4] ax.set_title(label=title, fontdict={'x': 0.8, 'y': 0.8}) ax.set_aspect('equal') cax = plt.subplot(gs[z_steps, 2]) cbar3 = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='horizontal', format='%.2f') cbar3.set_ticks(levels[::3]) cbar3.set_ticklabels(np.around(levels[::3], decimals=2)) fig.suptitle(fig_title)
[docs] class SpectralStructure(object): """ Class that enables examination of spectral structure of CSD reconstruction with kCSD method. """
[docs] def __init__(self, k): """ Initialize SpectralStructure class. Defines: self.k: instance of the class Instance of ValidationClassKCSD1D, ValidationClassKCSD2D or ValidationClassKCSD3D class. Parameters ---------- k: instance of the class Instance of ValidationClassKCSD1D, ValidationClassKCSD2D or ValidationClassKCSD3D class. """ self.k = k
[docs] def svd(self): """ Method that calculates singular value decomposition of total kernel matrix. K~*K^-1 from eq. 18 (Potworowski 2012). It calls also plotting methods. Returns ------- u_svd: numpy array Left singular vectors of kernels product. sigma: numpy array Singular values of kernels product. v_svd: numpy array Right singular vectors of kernels product. Raises ------ LinAlgError If the matrix is not numerically invertible. If SVD computation does not converge. """ try: kernel =, inv(self.k.k_pot + self.k.lambd * np.identity(self.k.k_pot.shape[0]))) u_svd, sigma, v_svd = np.linalg.svd(kernel, full_matrices=False) except LinAlgError: raise LinAlgError('Encoutered Singular Matrix Error:' 'try changing ele_pos slightly') self.plot_svd_sigma(sigma) # self.plot_svd_u(u_svd) # self.plot_svd_v(v_svd) # self.plot_svd_sigma_lambd(sigma) return u_svd, sigma, v_svd
[docs] def picard_plot(self, b): """ Creates Picard plot according to Hansen's book. Parameters ---------- b: numpy array Right-hand side of the linear equation. Raises ------ LinAlgError If SVD computation does not converge. """ try: u, s, v = np.linalg.svd(self.k.k_pot + self.k.lambd * np.identity(self.k.k_pot.shape[0])) except LinAlgError: raise LinAlgError('SVD is failing - try moving the electrodes' 'slightly') picard = np.zeros(len(s)) picard_norm = np.zeros(len(s)) for i, value in enumerate(s): picard[i] = abs([:, i].T, b)) picard_norm[i] = abs([:, i].T, b))/value plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.plot(s, marker='.', label=r'$\sigma_{i}$') plt.plot(picard, marker='.', label='$|u(:, i)^{T}*b|$') plt.plot(picard_norm, marker='.', label=r'$\frac{|u(:, i)^{T}*b|}{\sigma_{i}}$') plt.yscale('log') plt.legend() plt.title('Picard plot') plt.xlabel('i') a = int(len(s) - int(np.sqrt(len(s)))**2) if a == 0: size = int(np.sqrt(len(s))) else: size = int(np.sqrt(len(s))) + 1 fig, axs = plt.subplots(int(np.sqrt(len(s))), size, figsize=(15, 13)) axs = axs.ravel() beta = np.zeros(v.shape) fig.suptitle('vectors products of k_pot matrix') for i, value in enumerate(s): beta[i] = (([:, i].T, b)/value) * v[i, :]) axs[i].plot(beta[i, :], marker='.') axs[i].set_title(r'$vec_{'+str(i+1)+'}$')
[docs] def plot_evd_sigma(self, s): """ Creates plot of eigenvalues of k_pot matrix. Parameters ---------- s: numpy array Eigenvalues of k_pot matrix. """ plt.figure() plt.plot(s, '.') plt.title('Eigenvalues of k_pot matrix') plt.xlabel('Components number') plt.ylabel('Eigenvalues') plt.yscale('log')
[docs] def plot_evd_sigma_lambd(self, s): """ Creates plots of: - 1 over (eigenvalues of k_pot matrix + lambda). - eigenvalues over (eigenvalues**2 + lambda) Parameters ---------- sigma: numpy array Singular values of kernels product. """ x = np.arange(1, len(s) + 1) plt.figure() plt.plot(x, 1/(s + self.k.lambd), 'b.') plt.title(r'$\frac{1}{(\mu_j + \lambda)}$') plt.xlabel('Components number j') plt.ylabel(r'1/($\mu_j + \lambda)$') plt.yscale('log') plt.figure() plt.plot(x, s/(s**2 + self.k.lambd), 'b.') plt.title(r'$\frac{\mu_j}{(\mu_j^2 + \lambda)}$') plt.xlabel('Components number j') plt.ylabel(r'$\mu_j/(\mu_j^2 + \lambda)$') plt.yscale('log')
[docs] def evd(self): """ Method that calculates eigenvalue decomposition of kernel (k_pot matrix). Returns ------- eigenvectors: numpy array Eigen vectors of k_pot matrix. eigrnvalues: numpy array Eigenvalues of k_pot matrix. Raises ------ LinAlgError If EVD computation does not converge. """ try: eigenvalues, eigenvectors = np.linalg.eigh(self.k.k_pot + self.k.lambd * np.identity (self.k.k_pot.shape[0])) except LinAlgError: raise LinAlgError('EVD is failing - try moving the electrodes' 'slightly') idx = eigenvalues.argsort()[::-1] eigenvalues = eigenvalues[idx] eigenvectors = eigenvectors[:, idx] # self.plot_evd_sigma(eigenvalues) # self.plot_evd_sigma_lambd(eigenvalues) return eigenvectors, eigenvalues
[docs] def plot_svd_sigma(self, sigma): """ Creates plot of singular values of kernels product (K~*K^-1). Parameters ---------- sigma: numpy array Singular values of kernels product. """ plt.figure() plt.plot(sigma, 'b.') plt.title('Singular values of kernels product') plt.xlabel('Components number') plt.ylabel('Singular values') plt.yscale('log')
[docs] def plot_svd_sigma_lambd(self, sigma): """ Creates plots of: - 1 over (singular values of kernels product (K~*K^-1) + lambda). - singular values over (singular values**2 + lambda) Parameters ---------- sigma: numpy array Singular values of kernels product. """ x = np.arange(1, len(sigma) + 1) plt.figure() plt.plot(x, 1/(sigma + self.k.lambd), 'b.') plt.title(r'$\frac{1}{(\sigma_j + \lambda)}$') plt.xlabel('Components number j') plt.ylabel(r'1/($\sigma_j + \lambda)$') plt.yscale('log') plt.figure() plt.plot(x, sigma/(sigma**2 + self.k.lambd), 'b.') plt.title(r'$\frac{\sigma_j}{(\sigma_j^2 + \lambda)}$') plt.xlabel('Components number j') plt.ylabel(r'$\sigma_j/(\sigma_j^2 + \lambda)$') plt.yscale('log')
[docs] def plot_v(self, v): """ Creates plot of eigen vectors. Parameters ---------- v: numpy array Eigenvectors. """ a = int(v.shape[1] - int(np.sqrt(v.shape[1]))**2) if a == 0: size = int(np.sqrt(v.shape[1])) else: size = int(np.sqrt(v.shape[1])) + 1 fig, axs = plt.subplots(int(np.sqrt(v.shape[1])), size, figsize=(15, 13)) axs = axs.ravel() fig.suptitle('Eigen vectors of k_pot matrix') for i in range(v.shape[1]): axs[i].plot(v[i, :], marker='.') axs[i].set_title(r'$v_{'+str(i+1)+'}$')
[docs] def plot_svd_u(self, u_svd): """ Creates plot of left singular values. Parameters ---------- u_svd: numpy array Left singular vectors. """ a = int(u_svd.shape[1] - int(np.sqrt(u_svd.shape[1]))**2) if a == 0: size = int(np.sqrt(u_svd.shape[1])) else: size = int(np.sqrt(u_svd.shape[1])) + 1 fig, axs = plt.subplots(int(np.sqrt(u_svd.shape[1])), size, figsize=(15, 14)) axs = axs.ravel() fig.suptitle('Left singular vectors of kernels product') for i in range(u_svd.shape[1]): axs[i].plot(u_svd[:, i], '.') axs[i].set_title(r'$u_{'+str(i+1)+'}$') plt.close()
[docs] def plot_svd_v(self, v_svd): """ Creates plot of right singular values Parameters ---------- v_svd: numpy array Right singular vectors. """ a = int(v_svd.shape[1] - int(np.sqrt(v_svd.shape[1]))**2) if a == 0: size = int(np.sqrt(v_svd.shape[1])) else: size = int(np.sqrt(v_svd.shape[1])) + 1 fig, axs = plt.subplots(int(np.sqrt(v_svd.shape[1])), size, figsize=(15, 14)) axs = axs.ravel() fig.suptitle('Right singular vectors of kernels product') for i in range(v_svd.shape[1]): axs[i].plot(v_svd[i, :], marker='.') axs[i].set_title(r'$v_{'+str(i+1)+'}$')
if __name__ == '__main__': print('Checking 1D') CSD_PROFILE = CSD.gauss_1d_mono CSD_SEED = 15 N_SRC_INIT = 100 ELE_LIMS = [0.05, 0.95] # range of electrodes space method = 'cross-validation' Rs = np.arange(0.2, 0.3, 0.1) lambdas = None noise = 0 KK = ValidateKCSD1D(CSD_SEED, n_src_init=N_SRC_INIT, h=0.25, R_init=0.23, ele_lims=ELE_LIMS, true_csd_xlims=[0., 1.], sigma=0.3, src_type='gauss') KK.make_reconstruction(CSD_PROFILE, CSD_SEED, total_ele=16, noise=noise, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas, method=method) print('Checking 2D') CSD_PROFILE = CSD.gauss_2d_large CSD_SEED = 5 KK = ValidateKCSD2D(CSD_SEED, h=50., sigma=1., n_src_init=100) KK.make_reconstruction(CSD_PROFILE, CSD_SEED, total_ele=100, noise=noise, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas, method=method) print('Checking 2D MoI') CSD_PROFILE = CSD.gauss_2d_large CSD_SEED = 5 KK = ValidateMoIKCSD(CSD_SEED, h=50., sigma=1., n_src_init=100) KK.make_reconstruction(CSD_PROFILE, CSD_SEED, total_ele=100, noise=noise, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas, method=method) print('Checking 3D') CSD_PROFILE = CSD.gauss_3d_small CSD_SEED = 20 # 0-49 are small sources, 50-99 are large sources TIC = time.time() KK = ValidateKCSD3D(CSD_SEED, h=50, sigma=1) KK.make_reconstruction(CSD_PROFILE, CSD_SEED, total_ele=125, noise=noise, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas, method=method) TOC = time.time() - TIC print('time', TOC)