Source code for kcsd.validation.VisibilityMap

"""These are useful for VisibilityMap estimates in kCSD


import time
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import gridspec

from kcsd import ValidateKCSD1D, ValidateKCSD2D, ValidateKCSD3D, ValidateMoIKCSD
from kcsd import csd_profile as CSD

    from joblib import Parallel, delayed
    import multiprocessing
    NUM_CORES = multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1
except ImportError:

[docs] class VisibilityMap1D(ValidateKCSD1D): """ Class that produces error map for 1D CSD reconstruction. """
[docs] def __init__(self, total_ele, **kwargs): """ Initialize ErrorMap1D class. Parameters ---------- total_ele: int Number of electrodes. **kwargs Configuration parameters. """ super(VisibilityMap1D, self).__init__(1, **kwargs) self.total_ele = total_ele
[docs] def calculate_error_map(self, csd_profile, n=100, noise=0, nr_broken_ele=None, Rs=None, lambdas=None, method='cross-validation'): """ Makes reconstructions for n random simulated ground truth profiles and returns errors of CSD estimation with kCSD method. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function Function to produce csd profile. n: int Number of simulations included in reliability map calculations. Default: 100. noise: float Determines the level of noise in the data. Default: 0. nr_broken_ele: int How many electrodes are broken (excluded from analysis) Default: None. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Returns ------- rms: float Error of reconstruction. point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. """ if PARALLEL_AVAILABLE: err = Parallel(n_jobs=NUM_CORES)(delayed (self.make_reconstruction) (csd_profile, i, noise=noise, nr_broken_ele=nr_broken_ele, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas, method=method) for i in range(n)) rms = np.array([item[0] for item in err]) point_error = np.array([item[1] for item in err]) else: rms = np.zeros(n) point_error = [] for i in range(n): data, error = self.make_reconstruction(csd_profile, i, noise, nr_broken_ele, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas, method=method) rms[i] = data point_error.append(error) point_error = np.array(point_error) return rms, point_error
[docs] def make_reconstruction(self, csd_profile, csd_seed, noise=0, nr_broken_ele=None, Rs=None, lambdas=None, method='cross-validation'): """ Makes the whole kCSD reconstruction. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function function to produce csd profile csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. noise: float Determines the level of noise in the data. Default: 0. nr_broken_ele: int How many electrodes are broken (excluded from analysis) Default: None. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Returns ------- rms: float Error of reconstruction. point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. """ ele_pos, pots = self.electrode_config(csd_profile, csd_seed, self.total_ele, self.ele_lims, h=self.h, sigma=self.sigma, noise=noise, nr_broken_ele=nr_broken_ele) k, est_csd = self.do_kcsd(pots, ele_pos, method=method, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) test_csd = csd_profile(k.estm_x, csd_seed) rms = self.calculate_rms(test_csd, est_csd[:, 0]) point_error = self.calculate_point_error(test_csd, est_csd[:, 0]) return rms, point_error
[docs] def plot_error_map(self, point_error, ele_pos): """ Creates plot of mean error calculated separately for every point of estimation space Parameters ---------- point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. ele_pos: numpy array Positions of electrodes. """ mean_err = self.sigmoid_mean(point_error) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6)) plt.title('Sigmoidal mean point error for random sources') plt.plot(np.linspace(self.kcsd_xlims[0], self.kcsd_xlims[-1], mean_err.shape[0]), mean_err, 'b.', label='mean error') plt.plot(ele_pos, np.zeros(len(ele_pos)), 'o', color='black', label='electrodes locations') plt.xlabel('Depth [mm]') plt.ylabel('RMS Error') plt.legend() return mean_err
[docs] class VisibilityMap2D(ValidateKCSD2D): """ Class that produces error map for 2D CSD reconstruction. """
[docs] def __init__(self, total_ele, **kwargs): """ Initialize ErrorMap2D class. Parameters ---------- total_ele: int Number of electrodes. **kwargs Configuration parameters. """ super(VisibilityMap2D, self).__init__(1, **kwargs) self.total_ele = total_ele
[docs] def make_reconstruction(self, csd_profile, csd_seed, noise=0, nr_broken_ele=None, Rs=None, lambdas=None, method='cross-validation'): """ Makes the whole kCSD reconstruction. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function function to produce csd profile csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. noise: float Determines the level of noise in the data. Default: 0. nr_broken_ele: int How many electrodes are broken (excluded from analysis) Default: None. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Returns ------- rms: float Error of reconstruction. point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. """ ele_pos, pots = self.electrode_config(csd_profile, csd_seed, self.total_ele, self.ele_lims, self.h, self.sigma, noise=noise, nr_broken_ele=nr_broken_ele) k, est_csd = self.do_kcsd(pots, ele_pos, method=method, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) test_csd = csd_profile([k.estm_x, k.estm_y], csd_seed) rms = self.calculate_rms(test_csd, est_csd[:, :, 0]) point_error = self.calculate_point_error(test_csd, est_csd[:, :, 0]) return rms, point_error
[docs] def calculate_error_map(self, csd_profile, n=100, noise=0, nr_broken_ele=None, Rs=None, lambdas=None, method='cross-validation'): """ Makes reconstructions for n random simulated ground truth profiles and returns errors of CSD estimation with kCSD method. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function Function to produce csd profile. n: int Number of simulations included in reliability map calculations. Default: 100. noise: float Determines the level of noise in the data. Default: 0. nr_broken_ele: int How many electrodes are broken (excluded from analysis) Default: None. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Returns ------- rms: float Error of reconstruction. point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. """ tic = time.time() if PARALLEL_AVAILABLE: err = Parallel(n_jobs=NUM_CORES)(delayed (self.make_reconstruction) (csd_profile, i, noise=noise, nr_broken_ele=nr_broken_ele, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas, method=method) for i in range(n)) rms = np.array([item[0] for item in err]) point_error = np.array([item[1] for item in err]) else: rms = np.zeros(n) point_error = [] for i in range(n): data, error = self.make_reconstruction(csd_profile, i, noise=noise, nr_broken_ele=nr_broken_ele, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas, method=method) rms[i] = data point_error.append(error) point_error = np.array(point_error) toc = time.time() - tic print('time: ', toc) return rms, point_error
[docs] def plot_error_map(self, point_error, ele_pos): """ Creates plot of mean error calculated separately for every point of estimation space Parameters ---------- point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. ele_pos: numpy array Positions of electrodes. Returns ------- mean_error: numpy array Accuracy mask. """ ele_x, ele_y = ele_pos[:, 0], ele_pos[:, 1] x, y = np.mgrid[self.kcsd_xlims[0]:self.kcsd_xlims[1]: complex(0, point_error.shape[1]), self.kcsd_ylims[0]:self.kcsd_ylims[1]: complex(0, point_error.shape[2])] mean_error = self.sigmoid_mean(point_error) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7)) ax1 = plt.subplot(111, aspect='equal') # levels = np.linspace(0, 1., 25) im = ax1.contourf(x, y, mean_error, cmap='Greys') plt.colorbar(im) plt.scatter(ele_x, ele_y, 10, c='k') ax1.set_xlabel('Depth x [mm]') ax1.set_ylabel('Depth y [mm]') ax1.set_title('Sigmoidal mean point error') return mean_error
[docs] class VisibilityMap2DMoI(ValidateMoIKCSD): """ Class that produces error map for 2D CSD reconstruction. """
[docs] def __init__(self, total_ele, **kwargs): """ Initialize ErrorMap2D class. Parameters ---------- total_ele: int Number of electrodes. **kwargs Configuration parameters. """ super(VisibilityMap2DMoI, self).__init__(1, **kwargs) self.total_ele = total_ele
[docs] def make_reconstruction(self, csd_profile, csd_seed, noise=0, nr_broken_ele=None, Rs=None, lambdas=None, method='cross-validation'): """ Makes the whole kCSD reconstruction. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function function to produce csd profile csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. noise: float Determines the level of noise in the data. Default: 0. nr_broken_ele: int How many electrodes are broken (excluded from analysis) Default: None. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Returns ------- rms: float Error of reconstruction. point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. """ ele_pos, pots = self.electrode_config(csd_profile, csd_seed, self.total_ele, self.ele_lims, self.h, self.sigma, noise=noise, nr_broken_ele=nr_broken_ele) k, est_csd = self.do_kcsd(pots, ele_pos, method=method, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) test_csd = csd_profile([k.estm_x, k.estm_y], csd_seed) rms = self.calculate_rms(test_csd, est_csd[:, :, 0]) point_error = self.calculate_point_error(test_csd, est_csd[:, :, 0]) return rms, point_error
[docs] def calculate_error_map(self, csd_profile, n=100, noise=0, nr_broken_ele=None, Rs=None, lambdas=None, method='cross-validation'): """ Makes reconstructions for n random simulated ground truth profiles and returns errors of CSD estimation with kCSD method. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function Function to produce csd profile. n: int Number of simulations included in reliability map calculations. Default: 100. noise: float Determines the level of noise in the data. Default: 0. nr_broken_ele: int How many electrodes are broken (excluded from analysis) Default: None. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Returns ------- rms: float Error of reconstruction. point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. """ tic = time.time() if PARALLEL_AVAILABLE: err = Parallel(n_jobs=NUM_CORES)(delayed (self.make_reconstruction) (csd_profile, i, noise=noise, nr_broken_ele=nr_broken_ele, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas, method=method) for i in range(n)) rms = np.array([item[0] for item in err]) point_error = np.array([item[1] for item in err]) else: rms = np.zeros(n) point_error = [] for i in range(n): data, error = self.make_reconstruction(csd_profile, i, noise=noise, nr_broken_ele=nr_broken_ele, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas, method=method) rms[i] = data point_error.append(error) point_error = np.array(point_error) toc = time.time() - tic print('time: ', toc) return rms, point_error
[docs] def plot_error_map(self, point_error, ele_pos): """ Creates plot of mean error calculated separately for every point of estimation space Parameters ---------- point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. ele_pos: numpy array Positions of electrodes. Returns ------- mean_error: numpy array Accuracy mask. """ ele_x, ele_y = ele_pos[:, 0], ele_pos[:, 1] x, y = np.mgrid[self.kcsd_xlims[0]:self.kcsd_xlims[1]: complex(0, point_error.shape[1]), self.kcsd_ylims[0]:self.kcsd_ylims[1]: complex(0, point_error.shape[2])] mean_error = self.sigmoid_mean(point_error) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7)) ax1 = plt.subplot(111, aspect='equal') # levels = np.linspace(0, 1., 25) im = ax1.contourf(x, y, mean_error, cmap='Greys') plt.colorbar(im) plt.scatter(ele_x, ele_y, 10, c='k') ax1.set_xlabel('Depth x [mm]') ax1.set_ylabel('Depth y [mm]') ax1.set_title('Sigmoidal mean point error') return mean_error
[docs] class VisibilityMap3D(ValidateKCSD3D): """ Class that produces error map for 3D CSD reconstruction. """
[docs] def __init__(self, total_ele, **kwargs): """ Initialize ErrorMap3D class. Parameters ---------- total_ele: int Number of electrodes. **kwargs Configuration parameters. """ super(VisibilityMap3D, self).__init__(1, **kwargs) self.total_ele = total_ele
[docs] def make_reconstruction(self, csd_profile, csd_seed, noise=0, nr_broken_ele=None, Rs=None, lambdas=None, method='cross-validation'): """ Makes the whole kCSD reconstruction. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function function to produce csd profile csd_seed: int Seed for random generator to choose random CSD profile. noise: float Determines the level of noise in the data. Default: 0. nr_broken_ele: int How many electrodes are broken (excluded from analysis) Default: None. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Returns ------- rms: float Error of reconstruction. point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. """ ele_pos, pots = self.electrode_config(csd_profile, csd_seed, self.total_ele, self.ele_lims, self.h, self.sigma, noise, nr_broken_ele) k, est_csd = self.do_kcsd(pots, ele_pos, method=method, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas) test_csd = csd_profile([k.estm_x, k.estm_y, k.estm_z], csd_seed) rms = self.calculate_rms(test_csd, est_csd[:, :, :, 0]) point_error = self.calculate_point_error(test_csd, est_csd[:, :, :, 0]) return rms, point_error
[docs] def calculate_error_map(self, csd_profile, n=5, noise=0, nr_broken_ele=None, Rs=None, lambdas=None, method='cross-validation'): """ Makes reconstructions for n random simulated ground truth profiles and returns errors of CSD estimation with kCSD method. Parameters ---------- csd_profile: function Function to produce csd profile. n: int Number of simulations included in reliability map calculations. Default: 5. noise: float Determines the level of noise in the data. Default: 0. nr_broken_ele: int How many electrodes are broken (excluded from analysis) Default: None. Rs: numpy 1D array Basis source parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. lambdas: numpy 1D array Regularization parameter for crossvalidation. Default: None. method: string Determines the method of regularization. Default: cross-validation. Returns ------- rms: float Error of reconstruction. point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. """ tic = time.time() if PARALLEL_AVAILABLE: err = Parallel(n_jobs=NUM_CORES)(delayed (self.make_reconstruction) (csd_profile, i, noise=noise, nr_broken_ele=nr_broken_ele, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas, method=method) for i in range(n)) rms = np.array([item[0] for item in err]) point_error = np.array([item[1] for item in err]) else: rms = np.zeros(n) point_error = [] for i in range(n): data, error = self.make_reconstruction(csd_profile, i, noise=noise, nr_broken_ele=nr_broken_ele, Rs=Rs, lambdas=lambdas, method=method) rms[i] = data point_error.append(error) point_error = np.array(point_error) toc = time.time() - tic print('time: ', toc) return rms, point_error
[docs] def plot_error_map(self, point_error, ele_pos): """ Creates plot of mean error calculated separately for every point of estimation space Parameters ---------- point_error: numpy array Error of reconstruction calculated at every point of reconstruction space. ele_pos: numpy array Positions of electrodes. Returns ------- mean_error: numpy array Accuracy mask. """ # ele_x, ele_y, ele_z = ele_pos[0], ele_pos[1], ele_pos[2] x, y, z = np.mgrid[self.kcsd_xlims[0]:self.kcsd_xlims[1]: complex(0, point_error.shape[1]), self.kcsd_ylims[0]:self.kcsd_ylims[1]: complex(0, point_error.shape[2]), self.kcsd_zlims[0]:self.kcsd_zlims[1]: complex(0, point_error.shape[3])] mean_error = self.sigmoid_mean(point_error) plt.figure(figsize=(7, 9)) z_steps = 5 height_ratios = [1 for i in range(z_steps)] width_ratios = [1, 0.05] gs = gridspec.GridSpec(z_steps, 2, height_ratios=height_ratios, width_ratios=width_ratios) levels = np.linspace(0, 1., 25) ind_interest = np.mgrid[0:z.shape[2]:complex(0, z_steps+2)] ind_interest = np.array(ind_interest, dtype=int)[1:-1] for ii, idx in enumerate(ind_interest): ax = plt.subplot(gs[ii, 0]) im = plt.contourf(x[:, :, idx], y[:, :, idx], mean_error[:, :, idx], levels=levels, cmap='Greys') ax.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) title = str(z[:, :, idx][0][0])[:4] ax.set_title(label=title, fontdict={'x': 0.8, 'y': 0.8}) ax.set_aspect('equal') cax = plt.subplot(gs[:, -1]) cbar = plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax, orientation='vertical') cbar.set_ticks(levels[::2]) cbar.set_ticklabels(np.around(levels[::2], decimals=2)) return mean_error
if __name__ == '__main__': print('Checking 1D') CSD_PROFILE = CSD.gauss_1d_mono ELE_LIMS = [0.1, 0.9] # range of electrodes space TRUE_CSD_XLIMS = [0., 1.] k = VisibilityMap1D(total_ele=10, h=0.25, R_init=0.3, ele_lims=ELE_LIMS, true_csd_xlims=TRUE_CSD_XLIMS, sigma=0.3, src_type='gauss', n_src_init=100, ext_x=0.1) rms, point_error = k.calculate_error_map(CSD_PROFILE, Rs=np.arange(0.2, 0.5, 0.1)) print('Checking 2D') ELE_LIMS = [0.118, 0.882] CSD_PROFILE = CSD.gauss_2d_large a = VisibilityMap2D(total_ele=9, h=50., sigma=1., n_src_init=1000, ele_lims=ELE_LIMS, true_csd_xlims=TRUE_CSD_XLIMS, est_xres=0.01, est_yres=0.01) rms, point_error = a.calculate_error_map(CSD_PROFILE, Rs=np.arange(0.05, 0.5, 0.05), lambdas=np.array(0), n=2) print('Checking 2D MoI') ELE_LIMS = [0.118, 0.882] CSD_PROFILE = CSD.gauss_2d_large a = VisibilityMap2DMoI(total_ele=9, h=50., sigma=1., n_src_init=1000, ele_lims=ELE_LIMS, true_csd_xlims=TRUE_CSD_XLIMS, est_xres=0.01, est_yres=0.01) rms, point_error = a.calculate_error_map(CSD_PROFILE, Rs=np.arange(0.05, 0.5, 0.05), lambdas=np.array(0), n=2) print('Checking 3D') CSD_PROFILE = CSD.gauss_3d_small a = VisibilityMap3D(total_ele=64, h=50., sigma=1., n_src_init=729) a.calculate_error_map(CSD_PROFILE)