Source code for kcsd.validation.csd_profile

'''This script is used to generate dummy CSD sources,
to test the various kCSD methods

import numpy as np
from numpy import exp, isfinite
from functools import wraps

def repeatUntilValid(f):
    A decorator (wrapper).

    If output of `f(..., seed)` contains either NaN or infinite, repeats
    calculations for other `seed` (randomly generated for the current `seed`)
    until the result is valid.

    :param f: function of two arguments (the latter is `seed`)
    :return: wrapped function f
    def wrapper(arg, seed=0):
        for seed in seedSequence(seed):
            result = f(arg, seed)
            if isfinite(result).all():
                return result

    # Python 2.7 walkarround necessary for test purposes
    if not hasattr(wrapper, '__wrapped__'):
        setattr(wrapper, '__wrapped__', f)

    return wrapper

def seedSequence(seed):
    Yields a sequence of unique, pseudorandom, deterministic seeds.

    :param seed: beginning of the sequence
    :return: seed generator
    previous = set()
    rstate = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    while True:
        yield seed

        while seed in previous:
            seed = rstate.randint(2 ** 32)

def get_states_1D(seed, n=1):
    Used in the random seed generation
    creates a matrix that will generate seeds, here for gaussians:
    amplitude (-1., 1.), location (0,1)*ndim, sigma(0,1)
    ndim = 1
    if seed == 0:
        states = np.array([1., 0.5, 0.5], ndmin=2)
    rstate = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    states = rstate.random_sample(n * (ndim + 2)).reshape((n, (ndim + 2)))
    states[:, 0] = (2 * states[:, 0]) - 1.
    return states, rstate

def add_1d_gaussians(x, states):
    '''Function used for adding multiple 1D gaussians'''
    f = np.zeros(x.shape)
    for i in range(states.shape[0]):
        gauss = states[i, 0]*np.exp(-((x - states[i, 1])**2)/(2.*states[i, 2])
                                    )*(2*np.pi*states[i, 2])**-0.5
        f += gauss
    return f

[docs] def gauss_1d_mono(x, seed=0): '''Random monopole in 1D''' states, rstate = get_states_1D(seed, n=1) f = add_1d_gaussians(x, states) return f
[docs] def gauss_1d_dipole(x, seed=0): '''Random dipole source in 1D''' states, rstate = get_states_1D(seed, n=1) offset = rstate.random_sample(1) - 0.5 states = np.tile(states, (2, 1)) states[1, 0] *= -1. # A Sink states[1, 1] += offset f = add_1d_gaussians(x, states) return f
def get_states_2D(seed): """ Used in the random seed generation for 2d sources """ rstate = np.random.RandomState(seed) states = rstate.random_sample(24) states[0:12] = 2*states[0:12] - 1. return states
[docs] @repeatUntilValid def gauss_2d_large(csd_at, seed=0): '''random quadpolar'large source' profile in 2012 paper in 2D''' x, y = csd_at states = get_states_2D(seed) z = 0 zz = states[0:4] zs = states[4:8] mag = states[8:12] loc = states[12:20] scl = states[20:24] f1 = mag[0]*exp( (-1*(x-loc[0])**2 - (y-loc[4])**2) /scl[0])* exp(-(z-zz[0])**2 / zs[0]) /exp(-(zz[0])**2/zs[0]) f2 = mag[1]*exp( (-2*(x-loc[1])**2 - (y-loc[5])**2) /scl[1])* exp(-(z-zz[1])**2 / zs[1]) /exp(-(zz[1])**2/zs[1]); f3 = mag[2]*exp( (-3*(x-loc[2])**2 - (y-loc[6])**2) /scl[2])* exp(-(z-zz[2])**2 / zs[2]) /exp(-(zz[2])**2/zs[2]); f4 = mag[3]*exp( (-4*(x-loc[3])**2 - (y-loc[7])**2) /scl[3])* exp(-(z-zz[3])**2 / zs[3]) /exp(-(zz[3])**2/zs[3]); f = f1+f2+f3+f4 return f
[docs] def gauss_2d_small(csd_at, seed=0): '''random quadpolar small source in 2D''' x, y = csd_at def gauss2d(x, y, p): """ p: list of parameters of the Gauss-function [XCEN,YCEN,SIGMAX,SIGMAY,AMP,ANGLE] SIGMA = FWHM / (2*sqrt(2*log(2))) ANGLE = rotation of the X,Y direction of the Gaussian in radians Returns ------- the value of the Gaussian described by the parameters p at position (x,y) """ rcen_x = p[0] * np.cos(p[5]) - p[1] * np.sin(p[5]) rcen_y = p[0] * np.sin(p[5]) + p[1] * np.cos(p[5]) xp = x * np.cos(p[5]) - y * np.sin(p[5]) yp = x * np.sin(p[5]) + y * np.cos(p[5]) g = p[4]*np.exp(-(((rcen_x-xp)/p[2])**2 + ((rcen_y-yp)/p[3])**2)/2.) return g states = get_states_2D(seed) angle = states[18]*180. x_amp = 0.038 y_amp = 0.056 f1 = gauss2d(x, y, [states[12], states[14], x_amp, y_amp, 0.5, angle]) f2 = gauss2d(x, y, [states[12], states[15], x_amp, y_amp, -0.5, angle]) f3 = gauss2d(x, y, [states[13], states[14], x_amp, y_amp, 0.5, angle]) f4 = gauss2d(x, y, [states[13], states[15], x_amp, y_amp, -0.5, angle]) f = f1+f2+f3+f4 return f
def gauss_2d_random(size_seed=0, n=100): '''random quadpolar source in 2D''' x, y = csd_at np.random.seed(size_seed) large_count = np.random.randint(0, n) small_count = n - large_count random_indices = np.array(([gauss_2d_large]*large_count + [gauss_2d_small]*small_count)) np.random.shuffle(random_indices) return random_indices def get_states_3D(seed): """ Used in the random seed generation for 3D sources """ rstate = np.random.RandomState(seed) # seed here! states = rstate.random_sample(24) return states
[docs] def gauss_3d_small(csd_at, seed=0): '''A random quadpole small souce in 3D''' x, y, z = csd_at states = get_states_3D(seed) x0, y0, z0 = states[0:3] x1, y1, z1 = states[3:6] if states[6] < 0.01: states[6] *= 25 sig_2 = states[6] / 75. p1, p2, p3 = (ii*0.5 for ii in states[8:11]) A = (2*np.pi*sig_2)**-1 f1 = A*np.exp((-(x-x0)**2 - (y-y0)**2 - (z-z0)**2) / (2*sig_2)) f2 = -1*A*np.exp((-(x-x1)**2 - (y-y1)**2 - (z-z1)**2) / (2*sig_2)) x2 = np.modf(x0+p1)[0] y2 = np.modf(y0+p2)[0] z2 = np.modf(z0+p3)[0] f3 = A*np.exp((-(x-x2)**2 - (y-y2)**2 - (z-z2)**2) / (2*sig_2)) x3 = np.modf(x1+p1)[0] y3 = np.modf(y1+p2)[0] z3 = np.modf(z1+p3)[0] f4 = -1*A*np.exp((-(x-x3)**2 - (y-y3)**2 - (z-z3)**2) / (2*sig_2)) f = f1+f2+f3+f4 return f
[docs] def gauss_3d_large(csd_at, seed=0): '''A random dipolar Large source in 3D''' x, y, z = csd_at states = get_states_3D(seed) x0, y0, z0 = states[7:10] x1, y1, z1 = states[10:13] if states[1] < 0.01: states[1] *= 25 sig_2 = states[1] * 5 A = (2*np.pi*sig_2)**-1 f1 = A*np.exp((-(x-x0)**2 - (y-y0)**2 - (z-z0)**2) / (2*sig_2)) f2 = -1*A*np.exp((-(x-x1)**2 - (y-y1)**2 - (z-z1)**2) / (2*sig_2)) f = f1+f2 return f
[docs] def gauss_1d_dipole_f(x): """1D Gaussian dipole source is placed between 0 and 1 to be used to test the CSD Parameters ---------- x : np.array Spatial pts. at which the true csd is evaluated Returns ------- f : np.array The value of the csd at the requested points """ src = 0.5*exp(-((x-0.7)**2)/(2.*0.3))*(2*np.pi*0.3)**-0.5 snk = -0.5*exp(-((x-0.3)**2)/(2.*0.3))*(2*np.pi*0.3)**-0.5 f = src+snk return f
[docs] def gauss_2d_small_f(csd_at): '''Source from Jan 2012 kCSD paper''' x, y = csd_at def gauss2d(x, y, p): """ p: list of parameters of the Gauss-function [XCEN,YCEN,SIGMAX,SIGMAY,AMP,ANGLE] SIGMA = FWHM / (2*sqrt(2*log(2))) ANGLE = rotation of the X,Y direction of the Gaussian in radians Returns ------- the value of the Gaussian described by the parameters p at position (x,y) """ rcen_x = p[0] * np.cos(p[5]) - p[1] * np.sin(p[5]) rcen_y = p[0] * np.sin(p[5]) + p[1] * np.cos(p[5]) xp = x * np.cos(p[5]) - y * np.sin(p[5]) yp = x * np.sin(p[5]) + y * np.cos(p[5]) g = p[4]*np.exp(-(((rcen_x-xp)/p[2])**2 + ((rcen_y-yp)/p[3])**2)/2.) return g f1 = gauss2d(x, y, [0.3, 0.7, 0.038, 0.058, 0.5, 0.]) f2 = gauss2d(x, y, [0.3, 0.6, 0.038, 0.058, -0.5, 0.]) f3 = gauss2d(x, y, [0.45, 0.7, 0.038, 0.058, 0.5, 0.]) f4 = gauss2d(x, y, [0.45, 0.6, 0.038, 0.058, -0.5, 0.]) f = f1+f2+f3+f4 return f
[docs] def gauss_2d_large_f(csd_at): '''Fixed 'large source' profile in 2012 paper''' x, y = csd_at z = 0 zz = [0.4, -0.3, -0.1, 0.6] zs = [0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.2] f1 = 0.5965*exp((-1*(x-0.1350)**2 - (y-0.8628)**2) / 0.4464)*exp(-(z-zz[0])**2 / zs[0]) / exp(-(zz[0])**2/zs[0]) f2 = -0.9269*exp((-2*(x-0.1848)**2 - (y-0.0897)**2) / 0.2046)*exp(-(z-zz[1])**2 / zs[1]) / exp(-(zz[1])**2/zs[1]) f3 = 0.5910*exp((-3*(x-1.3189)**2 - (y-0.3522)**2) / 0.2129)*exp(-(z-zz[2])**2 / zs[2]) / exp(-(zz[2])**2/zs[2]) f4 = -0.1963*exp((-4*(x-1.3386)**2 - (y-0.5297)**2) / 0.2507)*exp(-(z-zz[3])**2 / zs[3]) / exp(-(zz[3])**2/zs[3]) f = f1+f2+f3+f4 return f
def gauss_3d_dipole_f(csd_at): '''Fixed dipole in 3 dimensions of the volume''' x, y, z = csd_at x0, y0, z0 = 0.3, 0.7, 0.3 x1, y1, z1 = 0.6, 0.5, 0.7 sig_2 = 0.023 A = (2*np.pi*sig_2)**-1 f1 = A*np.exp((-(x-x0)**2 - (y-y0)**2 - (z-z0)**2) / (2*sig_2)) f2 = -1*A*np.exp((-(x-x1)**2 - (y-y1)**2 - (z-z1)**2) / (2*sig_2)) f = f1+f2 return f
[docs] def gauss_3d_mono1_f(csd_at): '''Fixed monopole in 3D at the center of the volume space''' x, y, z = csd_at x0, y0, z0 = 0.5, 0.5, 0.5 sig_2 = 0.023 A = (2*np.pi*sig_2)**-1 f1 = A*np.exp((-(x-x0)**2 - (y-y0)**2 - (z-z0)**2) / (2*sig_2)) return f1
[docs] def gauss_3d_mono2_f(csd_at): '''Fixed monopole in 3D Offcentered wrt volume''' x, y, z = csd_at x0, y0, z0 = 0.41, 0.41, 0.585 sig_2 = 0.023 A = (2*np.pi*sig_2)**-1 f1 = A*np.exp((-(x-x0)**2 - (y-y0)**2 - (z-z0)**2) / (2*sig_2)) return f1
[docs] def gauss_3d_mono3_f(csd_at): '''Fixed monopole in 3D Offcentered wrt volume''' x, y, z = csd_at x0, y0, z0 = 0.55555556, 0.55555556, 0.55555556 stdev = 0.3 h = 1./((2*np.pi)**0.5 * stdev)**3 c = 0.5*stdev**(-2) f1 = h*np.exp(-c*((x - x0)**2 + (y - y0)**2 + (z - z0)**2)) return f1
csd_available_dict = {1: [gauss_1d_mono, gauss_1d_dipole], 2: [gauss_2d_large, gauss_2d_small], 3: [gauss_3d_large, gauss_3d_small]} if __name__ == '__main__': seed = 10 # 1D CASE # csd_profile = gauss_1d_mono # chrg_x = np.arange(0., 1., 1./50.) # f = csd_profile(chrg_x, seed) # #2D CASE csd_profile = gauss_2d_random # states[0:12] = 2*states[0:12] -1. #obtain values between -1 and 1 csd_at = np.mgrid[0.:1.:50j, 0.:1.:50j] f = csd_profile(size_seed=80, n=2)[1](csd_at, seed=seed) # #3D CASE # csd_profile = gauss_3d_small # chrg_x, chrg_y, chrg_z = np.mgrid[0.:1.:50j, # 0.:1.:50j, # 0.:1.:50j] # f = csd_profile(chrg_x, chrg_y, chrg_z, seed=seed) # test of gauss_2d_large(seed=63) -> NaN fix csd_at = np.mgrid[0.:1.:100j, 0.:1.:100j] for seed in range(63): assert (gauss_2d_large.__wrapped__(csd_at, seed) == gauss_2d_large(csd_at, seed)).all(),\ "decorated gauss_2d_large output differs for seed={}".format(seed) assert isfinite(gauss_2d_large(csd_at, 63)).all(),\ "invalid output of gauss_2d_large(seed=63)"